La Eminemca - Sodanimuli - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation La Eminemca - Sodanimuli

Escribo lo que me nazca
I write whatever comes to mind,
Pa' cantar lo que me plazca
To sing whatever I please.
Si no complazca
If it doesn't please you,
Basta, se que no les basta
Enough, I know it's not enough for you.
Hasta cuando pro
Until when, pro?
Cerebros seguirán en pro
Will brains continue to be pro?
De otros que en pos
Of others who in pos,
De pros de hablo
Of pros I speak,
Que hablo de hablo
That I speak of speaking,
He escrito en mi block
I've written in my block,
Números de versos
Numbers of verses,
Por los que ahora rimo
For which I now rhyme.
Todo lo que digo
Everything I say,
Hasta cuando converso
Even when I converse,
Sabiendo que hay adversos
Knowing there are adversaries,
Pensando que en ellos pienso
Thinking that I think of them.
Mensos MCs
Foolish MCs,
Reconozcan que Benzi
Recognize that Benzi,
Los esta venciendo
Is defeating you.
Miren que ocultar la verdad
Look, hiding the truth,
Ya es estar mintiendo, endo
Is already lying, endo,
Meses sin competí
Months without competing,
Hoy a guanabi
Today to guanabi,
Vía indirectas
Via indirectas,
Ya que cuando el gato no esta
Since when the cat's away,
Los ratones hacen fiesta
The mice will play,
Pero aquí está
But here I am,
De nuevo nuevos
Again new,
El golpea egos
The ego crusher,
La revelación
The revelation,
De esta generación de relevos
Of this generation of relays,
que su madurez
I know your maturity,
Llegará después que sus canas
Will come after your gray hair.
Infinito es el universo
The universe is infinite,
Y en él la estupidez humana, pana
And in it human stupidity, dude.
Bueno pana pa' rima
Well, dude, for rhyming,
Porque yo na' soy tu amigo
Because I'm not your friend,
Si por lo que digo
If for what I say,
En mi canción tengo
In my song I have,
Gente en contra hasta con mis amigos
People against me even with my friends.
Consigo superar siempre
I always manage to overcome,
Mi tema anterior
My previous theme,
Cuando se que el mejor "la evolución"
When I know that the best "evolution",
Es el único competidor
Is the only competitor.
Let's pray,
Aquí preguntas estúpidas no respondemos
Here we don't answer stupid questions,
Se creen Nadie
They think they are Nobody,
Cuantos creerán lo que creemos
How many will believe what we believe,
Hemos crecido y sido porfiados
We have grown up and been stubborn,
Desde el seno
From the womb,
Se nos enseñó
We were taught,
Que por sueños
That for dreams,
No nos humillemos
We should not humiliate ourselves,
Me lleno de aplausos escasos
I am filled with scarce applause,
No me canso, me enamoré
I don't get tired, I fell in love,
De la brillantez del arte
With the brilliance of art,
Con diamantes brilla en la estupidez
With diamonds it shines in stupidity,
Fácil adorno
Easy adornment,
No soborno
I don't bribe,
El entorno
The environment,
De mi sencillez
Of my simplicity,
Madurez sencilla
Simple maturity,
Voltearle la tortilla
Turn the tables,
A este ajedrez
To this chess.
Si tengo un fall
If I have a fall,
Entre el índice
Between the index,
Y el pulgar
And the thumb,
Tan liberal
So liberal,
Prisión mental
Mental prison,
Un tiroteo escolar
A school shooting,
Al azar
At random,
Cualquier mortal
Any mortal,
Me podrá insultar
May insult me,
O mirar el cartel
Or look at the poster,
Música seria, no molestar
Serious music, do not disturb.
Sin guachafita
Without guachafita,
Se predica
It is preached,
Fumando pop de la pipa
Smoking pop from the pipe,
Tipas me piden prosas
Chicks ask me for prose,
No rosas
Not roses,
Ni una vueltica
Not a little spin,
Una vueltica
A little spin,
Evita el impulso marica
Avoid the gay impulse,
Piensas en mi, se que si
You think of me, I know you do,
Por eso la bola me pica
That's why the ball itches me.
Ponte de pie
Stand up,
Grita la gente
People shout,
Que el miedo no existe
That fear does not exist,
No me importa lo malo que piensen
I don't care what bad they think.
Por cada centímetro cuadrado
For every square centimeter,
De ignorancia que hace creer
Of ignorance that makes you believe,
Que podemos ser subestimados
That we can be underestimated.
Sin ser alumbrado o erudito
Without being enlightened or erudite,
Vamos rompiendo su hechizo
We are breaking their spell,
Se acabó el pan de piquito
No more breadcrumbs.
Somos todos lo que oyen y que graban
We are all those who listen and record,
A mal tiempo
To bad weather,
Seguiremos diciendo lo que nos de la gana
We will continue to say what we want.
Toda mi vida
All my life,
La he vivido en residencia
I have lived in residence,
Soy fan de Eminem y si, por Eminem
I'm a fan of Eminem and yes, because of Eminem,
Le puse al grupo la EmineMCa
I named the group EmineMCa,
En sala de emergencia
In the emergency room,
Pasé gran parte de mi niñez
I spent a large part of my childhood,
Odio la vejez
I hate old age,
Y lo grave es
And the serious thing is,
Que no acabé mi primera vez
That I didn't finish my first time,
A los 10 tomaba tetero
At 10 I was taking a bottle,
Y chupando dedo hasta los 16
And sucking my thumb until I was 16,
Me la paso en el face
I spend my time on Facebook,
Y oriné la cama como hasta los 6
And I wet the bed until I was 6.
El ron me hace daño
Rum makes me sick,
He cantado reggeatones en el baño
I've sung reggaetones in the bathroom,
Y cada año
And every year,
Son menos los que rodean la torta en mi cumpleaños
There are fewer people around the cake on my birthday,
Tengo miedo a las cucarachas
I'm afraid of cockroaches,
Y a las muchachas de hoy en día
And today's girls,
En los campamentos era el guía
In the camps I was the guide,
Y quería ser policía
And I wanted to be a police officer,
Creía que a mi tía
I thought my aunt,
Yo le gustaba
I liked it,
Tenía una novia la cual amaba
I had a girlfriend I loved,
Y me abandono porque le pegaba
And she left me because I hit her.
En cada alma
In every soul,
Jamás mis palmas
Never my palms,
Han tenido un arma
They have had a weapon,
Y me han montado cacho en banda
And they have mounted horns on me in a band,
Me robaron 3 veces en el liceo
I was robbed 3 times in high school,
Corro cuando veo un tiroteo
I run when I see a shooting,
Y he visto que mas de una ha eliminado mi correo
And I've seen that more than one has deleted my email,
No veo espejos rotos
I don't see broken mirrors,
No voto
I don't vote,
Le tengo miedo a las motos
I'm afraid of motorcycles,
Y a veces quiero ser como otros
And sometimes I want to be like others.
No troto
I don't jog,
Desde que me dio un esguince
Since I sprained my ankle,
Fui pasando de lince
I went from lynx,
Y he tirado con varias carajitas de 15
And I've shot with several 15-year-old girls,
Un tiempo viví acomplejado por mi gordura
For a while I was self-conscious about my fat,
No me gustan las verduras
I don't like vegetables,
Las vacunas
Y como buen cursi he regalado la luna
And as a good corny I have given the moon away,
Vi titanic tres veces en el cine
I saw Titanic three times in the cinema,
Mi mamá hace manualidades con anime
My mom does crafts with anime,
Unos no quieren que cante
Some don't want me to sing,
Otros ni que respire
Others don't even want me to breathe,
Mire, les diré
Look, I'll tell you,
Que no me iré
That I will not go,
Al pire convive
To the pyre coexist,
No investiguen mas
Don't investigate anymore,
Ahí ta' la vida de Benzina
There's Benzina's life,
Pa' que me tiren
For you to throw at me.
Ponte de pie
Stand up,
Grita la gente
People shout,
Que el miedo no existe
That fear does not exist,
No me importa lo malo que piensen
I don't care what bad they think.
Por cada centímetro cuadrado
For every square centimeter,
De ignorancia que hace creer
Of ignorance that makes you believe,
Que podemos ser subestimados
That we can be underestimated.
Sin ser alumbrado o erudito
Without being enlightened or erudite,
Vamos rompiendo su hechizo
We are breaking their spell,
Se acabó el pan de piquito
No more breadcrumbs.
Somos todos lo que oyen y que graban
We are all those who listen and record,
A mal tiempo
To bad weather,
Seguiremos diciendo lo que nos de la gana
We will continue to say what we want.

Writer(s): La Eminemca

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