LaBrassBanda - Africa - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation LaBrassBanda - Africa

I lieg in meim bett, es is 1987
I lie in my bed, it's 1987
I bin 6 jahr, hab de nacht umme bracht
I'm 6 years old, spent the night tossing and turning
Ziag de duckat num moi hoch
Pull the duvet up high
Schee warm, guad nacht
Nice and warm, good night
Dmam schreit steh auf
Mom yells, "Get up!"
Sonst krachts
Otherwise there'll be trouble
Guad i raff mi auf
Alright, I get myself up
I schau zum fenster naus
I look out the window
Dspazn sand scho wach
The sparrows are already awake
I glab de lachan mi aus
I think they're laughing at me
Kimm reiss di zam
Come on, pull yourself together
Ziag di o, werd scho
Get dressed, it'll be alright
Dmam schreit
Mom yells
Kimm fuada doch an dackl no
"Go feed the dachshund too!"
I mach dhausdia zua
I close the front door
Da hund bellt, gib a ruah
The dog barks, "Be quiet!"
Schmeiss sradl o
Throw the bike down
Da peter wart doch scho
Peter's already waiting
Da kimmt da wast dazua
Then Wastl comes along
Hod zwar vom peter gnua
He's had enough of Peter though
Er steht auf drosalind
He's into Rosalinde
Die mit de rollschuh kimmt
The one who comes with roller skates
So is die gang komplett
So the gang is complete
Wenn i ins radl trett
When I pedal on my bike
Wir alle dauchan o
We all zoom off
Lachan und gfrein uns scho
Laughing and already excited
Auf unsern roten ladn
For our little red shop
Der mitm roten wagn
The one with the red wagon
Ahh i glab i tram
Ahh, I think I'm dreaming
I kanns ned glam
I can't believe it
Des is ned wahr
This isn't real
Da kloane rote ladn
The little red shop
Is nimma da
Isn't there anymore
Da rote ladn is nimma da
The little red shop isn't there anymore
Wir kennans ned glam und schaun uns o
We can't believe it and look at each other
De regale laar und de auslag weg
The shelves are empty, the display gone
Und de guatlmaschine, scheissdreck
And the gumball machine, damn it!
Und koa gummibärli und koan apfelring
And no gummy bears, no apple rings
Koa salamisemme mit an gurkerl drin
No salami sticks with a pickle inside
Koan kaugummi mehr unter dschuibank kleben
No more chewing gum stuck under the school bench
Wenns so weitergeht dann müss ma wie die streber leben
If this continues, we'll have to live like the nerds
Wie war des schee und welche farbenpracht
How beautiful it was, what a colorful sight
Hat der kolonialwaren mayer in unseren ort neibracht
The colonial goods store Mayer brought to our town
Alloa beim einegeh des scheene geräusch bling
Every time you entered, the beautiful sound "bling"
Und dann a no die nette verkäuferin
And then also the friendly saleswoman
Für uns ist des schuigeh oft a qual
For us, school is often a pain
Drum brauchen wir halt moi a unser ritual
That's why we need our ritual sometimes
Hoffentlich duats boid moi a neuer gschäftsmo probiern
Hopefully, a new shopkeeper will try soon
Sonst wird die komplette 1. klass rebelliern
Otherwise, the entire 1st grade will rebel
Ahh i glab i tram
Ahh, I think I'm dreaming
I kanns ned glam
I can't believe it
Des is ned wahr
This isn't real
Da kloane rote ladn
The little red shop
Is nimma da
Isn't there anymore
Ahh i glab i tram
Ahh, I think I'm dreaming
I kanns ned glam
I can't believe it
Des is ned wahr
This isn't real
Da kloane rote ladn
The little red shop
Is nimma da
Isn't there anymore
Ahh i glab i tram
Ahh, I think I'm dreaming
I kanns ned glam
I can't believe it
Des is ned wahr
This isn't real
Da kloane rote ladn
The little red shop
Is nimma da
Isn't there anymore
Ahh i glab i tram
Ahh, I think I'm dreaming
I kanns ned glam
I can't believe it
Des is ned wahr
This isn't real
Da kloane rote ladn
The little red shop
Is nimma da
Isn't there anymore
Ahh i glab i tram
Ahh, I think I'm dreaming
I kanns ned glam
I can't believe it
Des is ned wahr
This isn't real
Da kloane rote ladn
The little red shop
Is nimma da
Isn't there anymore
Ahh i glab i tram
Ahh, I think I'm dreaming
I kanns ned glam
I can't believe it
Des is ned wahr
This isn't real
Da kloane rote ladn
The little red shop
Is nimma da
Isn't there anymore
Ahh i glab i tram
Ahh, I think I'm dreaming
I kanns ned glam
I can't believe it
Des is ned wahr
This isn't real
Da kloane rote ladn
The little red shop
Is nimma da
Isn't there anymore

Writer(s): Stefan Dettl, Manuel Da Coll, Manuel Winbeck

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