Lady Pank - Giga-Giganci - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Lady Pank - Giga-Giganci

Zobaczymy teraz, kto tu racje ma?
Now we'll see who's right here?
Wielki palac czy tez moze ja?
The grand palace or could it be me?
Postoimy tutaj dluzej, ja mam czas
We'll stand here longer, I have time
Kto sie zegnie pierwszy, niech to runie w piach
Whoever gives in first, let it crumble to dust
Giga giganci zawsze maja czas
Giga giants always have time
Kawalek dam ci, co ze stolu spadl
I'll give you a bite of what's fallen from the table
Napisales mój poeto tyle slów
You wrote so many words, my poet
Ulepionych z gliny i z glinianych nóg
Molded from clay and with feet of clay
Metne oczy widza tylko nos
Shortsighted eyes see only their noses
Zanurzony w sosie i zawieszony w dól
Buried in sauce and hung upside down
Giga giganci zawsze maja czas
Giga giants always have time
Kawalek dam ci, co ze stolu spadl
I'll give you a bite of what's fallen from the table
Dam ci kawalek siebie
I'll give you a piece of myself
Nie pytaj jak i skad?
Don't ask how or why?
I odrobine tlenu
And a bit of oxygen
Giganci tacy sa
That's what giants are like
Nie wierz rzeczom po trzydziestce, nie wierz im
Don't believe anything after thirty, don't believe them
Wielka bestia pielegnuje zeby im
The great beast nurses their teeth
Jestes piekna, sfora psów zatacza krag
You're beautiful, a pack of dogs circling
Jestes piekna kiedy tanczysz z nia
You're beautiful when you dance with her
Kiedy tanczysz z nia
When you dance with her
Giga giganci...
Giga giants...
Dam ci kawalek siebie
I'll give you a piece of myself
Nie pytaj jak i skad?
Don't ask how or why?
I odrobine tlenu
And a bit of oxygen
Giganci tacy sa
That's what giants are like
Dam ci...
I'll give you...

Writer(s): Jan Jozef Borysewicz, Zbigniew Holdys

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