Lance Butters - Deal with It - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation Lance Butters - Deal with It

Deal with It
Deal with It
Ey, alle woll'n wissen, was mir bedeutet
Yo, everyone wants to know what means something to me
Hoffnungsträger für Deutschrap: Ich bin hin und weg
Hopeful for German rap: I'm blown away
Ja, endlich woll'n mich die Massen
Yeah, the masses finally want me
Aber ernsthaft, was soll ein'm dieser Quatsch bring'n?
But seriously, what good is this crap supposed to do me?
Schreiben die halt Lines gegen Masken
They're writing lines against masks
Ich befass' mich nicht mit dem Scheiß, den sie machen
I don't deal with the shit they do
Denn an und für sich bedeutet's mir nichts
Because in and of itself it means nothing to me
Wenn ihr mehr Erfolg habt als ich
If you have more success than me
Und falls jemand erst jetzt zu mein'm Fan wird, schäm dich
And if someone is just now becoming my fan, shame on you
Lance hat kein'n Bock auf 'n Spätzünder, ehrlich
Lance doesn’t want a late bloomer, honestly
Bekäm' ich für jede saudumme Frage von 'nem Groupie
If I got a fifty every time a groupie asked a stupid question
Jedes mal 'n Fuffi, ich schwör', alles wäre goody, ah
Every time, I swear, everything would be goody, ah
(Goody, ah) Zu viele Fraggles, die reimen
(Goody, ah) Too many Fraggles rhyming
Keiner der geil ist, nein, ich übertreib' nicht
None of them are cool, no, I'm not exaggerating
Nein, ich rauch' mir 'n Doobie
No, I'll smoke a doobie
Und geb 'n Fuck drauf, wie du's siehst, excuse me
And don't give a fuck how you see it, excuse me
Vielleicht hast du die Formel gecheckt
Maybe you've figured out the formula
Dich angepasst und singst jetzt perfekt
Adapted and now you sing perfectly
Doch bist nur halb so krass, wie du denkst
But you're only half as awesome as you think you are
Deal with it, Digga, ey, deal with it
Deal with it, dude, hey, deal with it
Ye-ye-ye-ye-ye-yeah Deal with it
Ye-ye-ye-ye-ye-yeah Deal with it
Ye-ye-ye-ye-ye-yeah Deal with it
Ye-ye-ye-ye-ye-yeah Deal with it
Ye-ye-ye-ye-ye-yeah Deal with it
Ye-ye-ye-ye-ye-yeah Deal with it
Deal with it, Digga, ey, deal with it
Deal with it, dude, hey, deal with it
Nein, du führst nicht gleich ein Mode-Label
No, you don't run a fashion label
Nur weil auf dein'm Merch deine Slogans steh'n
Just because your merch has your slogans on it
Und nur weil du bei dein'n Clips jetzt eigens Regie führst
And just because you're directing your own videos now
Bist du noch lange nicht scheiß Steven Spielberg
You're still a long way from being Steven Spielberg
Mein Verständnis für Rap ist seit fünf Jahren weg
My understanding of rap has been gone for five years
Denn jede Hitsingle, die ihr released habt war Dreck
Because every hit single you released was trash
Stürmt ruhig Herzen von klein'n Gören
Feel free to storm the hearts of little kids
Ich fick' solang' Bitches, die härteres mögen
I'm fucking bitches who like it harder
Ja, ich bin beim Major gesignt (Major gesignt)
Yeah, I'm signed to a major label (Major signed)
Du bei Typen, deren Zeit längst vorbei ist guck
You're with guys whose time is long gone look
Ihr seid keine Gs, keine Hänger
You are not Gs, you are not hangers
Nur lachhafte Männer wie Michael Wendler
Just ridiculous men like Michael Wendler
Und deine Team-Member sind nur Freelancer
And your team members are just freelancers
Die nicht mehr hinter dir steh'n, wenn der Profit weg ist
Who won't stand behind you when the profit is gone
Red' deshalb nicht von 'ner Gang
So don't talk about a gang
Wenn du Dienstleister meinst, die am Schreibtisch häng'n
If you mean service providers hanging out at their desks
Ihr habt die Kacke nicht studiert, doch
You didn't study the shit, but
Achtet auf den Platten neuerdings auf Melodien (Yeah)
All of a sudden you're paying attention to melodies on the records (Yeah)
Und nennt es innovativ
And call it innovative
Für mich klingt der Dreck wie neunzig Prozent auf Repeat
To me, the shit sounds like ninety percent on repeat
Verschwendest jetzt kein'n Tag mehr im Rap
You don't waste another day in rap
Trägst im Fernsehen dein Haar wie geleckt
You wear your hair licked on TV
Doch bist nur halb so krass wie du denkst
But you're only half as awesome as you think you are
Deal with it, Digga, ey, deal with it
Deal with it, dude, hey, deal with it
Ye-ye-ye-ye-ye-yeah Deal with it
Ye-ye-ye-ye-ye-yeah Deal with it
Ye-ye-ye-ye-ye-yeah Deal with it
Ye-ye-ye-ye-ye-yeah Deal with it
Ye-ye-ye-ye-ye-yeah Deal with it
Ye-ye-ye-ye-ye-yeah Deal with it
Deal with it, Digga, ey, deal with it
Deal with it, dude, hey, deal with it
Auch deine Cayler & Sons Cap mit darauf gesticktem Songtext
Even your Cayler & Sons cap with the lyrics embroidered on it
Macht dich zu echt nichts besond'res
Doesn't make you anything special
Und ich piss' auf euren Contest
And I piss on your contest
Steh' nicht im Kreis mit paar Pennern und perform' Acapella
I don't stand in a circle with a couple of bums and perform a cappella
Wie man sieht, liegt einiges im Argen
As you can see, something is wrong
Es geht doch schließlich darum wie man chartet
After all, it's all about how you chart
Nee, ich heb' kein'n belehrenden Finger
No, I'm not pointing fingers
Aber eure Mucke hören nur verblendete Kinder
But only blind kids listen to your music
Konsumgeil wie immer, stürmen den Laden
Consumer-hungry as ever, they storm the store
Und für euch läuft alles wieder so, wie geplant, heh?
And for you everything goes as planned again, huh?
Sollt' mein Album auch Teil davon werden
If my album is going to be part of it
Ist meins immerhin den Trubel auch wert
At least mine is worth the hype
Hast dein' Fokus auf Promo gelenkt
You shifted your focus to promotion
Und ein Händchen fürs Showbiz entdeckt
And discovered a knack for show business
Doch bist nur halb so krass wie du denkst
But you're only half as awesome as you think you are
Deal with it, Digga, ey, deal with it
Deal with it, dude, hey, deal with it
Ye-ye-ye-ye-ye-yeah Deal with it
Ye-ye-ye-ye-ye-yeah Deal with it
Ye-ye-ye-ye-ye-yeah Deal with it
Ye-ye-ye-ye-ye-yeah Deal with it
Ye-ye-ye-ye-ye-yeah Deal with it
Ye-ye-ye-ye-ye-yeah Deal with it
Deal with it, Digga, ey, deal with it
Deal with it, dude, hey, deal with it

Writer(s): Bennett On, Lance Butters

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