Lax'n'Busto - Més Roig - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Lax'n'Busto - Més Roig

Més Roig
Què hi fas aquí tot sol
What are you doing here all alone?
Posa't de peus i mira el que tens
Get up and see what you have
Aquí al teu costat
Right by your side
Abans de venir al món
Before coming into the world
Tot era millor, i no feia pudor
Everything was better, and it didn't smell bad
Tot ha canviat
Everything has changed
Nomes cal una mirada
All it takes is a glance
Per veure molt clar
To see very clearly
Tot el que passava
Everything that was happening
No se si se n'adonaren
I don't know if they realized it
Però amb el mal que així feien
But with the harm they did that way
Pitjor ens tornaven
They made us worse
I pensar que l'home
And to think that man
Ara es veu tan home
Now sees himself as such a man
Varen caure algunes fulles
Some leaves fell
I era el cel de color plom
And the sky was the color of lead
I aquell color vermell
And that red color
Aquell verd agonitzant, quan veus que el món
That agonizing green, when you see that the world
Es torna boig -voldries fer...
Is going crazy - you wish you could...
Pero es que no pots!
But you can't!
Més roig, tacat de sang
Redder, stained with blood
De gent sense cor
Of people without heart
Nomes que ha perdut
It's just that it has lost
Tot el seu encant
All its charm
Més roig, que va arribar
Redder, which arrived
Amb lleis infernals
With infernal laws
D'aquells que obliden
Of those who forget
Que tambe són, que també són animals
That they are also, that they are also animals
I els pobres van morir
And the poor died
Pensant un perquè i pensant: jo que he fet...
Thinking of a why and thinking: what have I done...
I no van descubrir
And they did not discover
Que aquests son pitjors
That these are worse
Que assessinen per diversió
That they murder for fun
Correu animals, ja res no es pot treure de tant trist final
Run, animals, nothing can be taken away from such a sad end
La muntanya perd l'encant
The mountain loses its charm
Esquitxada per la sang
Spattered with blood
Magia destrossada
Magic destroyed
Per un ésser que se'n diu humà...
By a being who calls itself human...
Quan veus que el món es torna boig
When you see that the world is going crazy
Voldries fer... pero es que no pots
You wish you could... but you can't
I pensa que l'home ara es veu tan home...
And think that man now looks so much like man...
Màgia de la tarda
Magic of the evening
Màgia amb llàgrimes de sang
Magic with tears of blood
Que ens fara pensar qui som
That will make us think who we are
Quan veus que el món es torna boig
When you see that the world is going crazy
Voldries fer...
You wish you could...

Writer(s): Jose Maria Rovirosa Morgades, Ramon Bassa Rovirosa

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