Lax'n'Busto - Per Una Copa - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Lax'n'Busto - Per Una Copa

Per Una Copa
For a Drink
Sóc a la frontera entre el vici i el cel
I'm on the border between vice and heaven
I no entenc, i no entenc, i no entenc a la gent
And I don't understand, I don't understand, I don't understand people
Em critiquen i em miren
They criticize me and look at me
Quan jo estic aquí fent ambient
When I'm here creating an atmosphere
Ones que penetren el meu firmament
Waves that penetrate my firmament
Que s'encén, que s'encén, que m'explota la ment
That ignite, that ignite, that make my mind explode
Un deliri inconscient, un enigma sens dubte indecent
An unconscious delirium, an enigma without a doubt indecent
Que acaba al pitjor moment
That ends in the worst moment
Per una copa, un lloc obert
For a drink, an open place
Per trobar un oasi dins aquest desert
To find an oasis in this desert
Donaria cent, potser mil
I would give a hundred, maybe a thousand
Potser tot el que tinc
Maybe everything I own
Tanquen el garito i jo amb aquest colocón
They close the dive bar and I'm with this buzz
No em toqueu els collons quan comença lo bo
Don't bug me when the good stuff starts
Democràcia il·legal, llei perversa, falsa moral!
Illegal democracy, perverse law, false moral!
Visca el president i visca la seva gent
Long live the president and long live his people
I brindem per la mare del puto porter
And let's toast to the mother of the fucking doorman
Que els ofeguin a tots en bidons de mil litres o més
May they all drown in thousand-liter barrels or more
De whisky de garrafón
Of moonshine whiskey
Per una copa, un lloc obert
For a drink, an open place
Per trobar un oasi dins aquest desert
To find an oasis in this desert
Donaria cent, potser mil
I would give a hundred, maybe a thousand
Potser tot el que tinc
Maybe everything I own
Sóc a la frontera entre el vici i el cel
I'm on the border between vice and heaven
I no entenc, i no entenc, i no entenc a la gent
And I don't understand, I don't understand, I don't understand people
Em critiquen i em miren
They criticize me and look at me
Quan jo estic aquí fent ambient
When I'm here creating an atmosphere
Ones que penetren el meu firmament
Waves that penetrate my firmament
Que s'encén, que s'encén, que m'explota la ment
That ignite, that ignite, that make my mind explode
Un deliri inconscient, un enigma sens dubte indecent...
An unconscious delirium, an enigma without a doubt indecent...
Per una copa, un lloc obert
For a drink, an open place
Per trobar un oasi dins aquest desert
To find an oasis in this desert
Donaria cent, potser mil
I would give a hundred, maybe a thousand
Potser tot el que tinc
Maybe everything I own
Per una copa, un lloc obert
For a drink, an open place
Per trobar un oasi dins aquest desert
To find an oasis in this desert
Donaria cent, potser mil
I would give a hundred, maybe a thousand
Potser tot el que tinc
Maybe everything I own
Tindràs poder
You will have power
Tindràs els vots
You will have the votes
Tindràs governs
You will have governments
Però no em tindràs a mi!
But you will not have me!
Un pensament que no admet els diferents!
A thought that does not accept differences!
Llibertat al meu cos
Freedom to my body
Llibertat de triar 'no a la guerra'
Freedom to choose 'no to war'
Llibertat de consumició
Freedom of consumption
Obrim les aixetes de la llibertat!
Let's open the taps of freedom!
Per una copa, un lloc obert
For a drink, an open place
Per seguir la festa fins la fi dels temps
To keep the party going until the end of time
Donaria cent, potser mil
I would give a hundred, maybe a thousand
Potser tot el que tinc
Maybe everything I own
Per una copa, un lloc obert
For a drink, an open place
Per seguir la festa fins la fi dels temps
To keep the party going until the end of time
Donaria cent, potser mil
I would give a hundred, maybe a thousand
Potser tot el que tinc
Maybe everything I own

Writer(s): Jesús Rovira

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