Lildami feat. Mi Amargo - Res - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Lildami feat. Mi Amargo - Res

Cuando bailo creen que vengo de Brasil
When I dance they think I'm from Brazil
Porque me pego a tu culo como la police
Because I stick to your butt like the police
Ei Dami, anem a fer una cançó que no parli de res no?
Hey Dami, let's make a song that doesn't talk about anything, right?
Amargo, tinc una idea
Amargo, I have an idea
Ésto es pa' mover la chapa, pa'acá
This is for moving your body, over here
Pegaos como garrapata, ratatata
Stuck together like a tick, ratatata
Yo que siempre voy pa'lante y vas pa'trás
Me always going forward and you going back
Ahora quédate quieta que voy pa'allá
Now stay still, I'm coming over there
Dale Dami, dale
Come on Dami, come on
No parlaré de lo malament que està el món
I won't talk about how bad the world is
Molt menys parlaré dels diners que he guanyat o no
Much less will I talk about the money I've earned or not
No penso parlar d'aquella noia que ahir em va trencar el cor
I'm not going to talk about that girl who broke my heart yesterday
Ni de la que m'agrada tampoc
Nor the one I like either
Vull que la posin a la ràdio i que no pari de sonar
I want it to be played on the radio and never stop playing
Que la triïn per l'anunci d'aquell cotxe tan car
Let it be chosen for the advertisement of that expensive car
Que faci ballar, fàcil de recordar
Make it danceable, easy to remember
Que faci vibrar, el terra, puja'm el baix
Make it vibrate, the floor, turn up the bass
Que no parli de la història ni el futur que ha de venir
Let it not talk about history or the future that is to come
Que no parli de les pors ni les coses que ens fan feliç
Let it not talk about fears or the things that make us happy
Que parli de tu i del que no ens vam arribar a dir
Let it talk about you and what we didn't get to say
Que no parli del que no, no em deixa dormir
Let it not talk about what doesn't let me sleep
Cuando bailo creen que vengo de Brasil
When I dance they think I'm from Brazil
Porque me pego a tu culo como la police
Because I stick to your butt like the police
Que vengan los bomberos a echar agua aquí
Let the firemen come and throw water here
Que to' lo líquido ya me lo bebí
I've already drunk all the liquid
Cuando bailo creen que vengo de Brasil
When I dance they think I'm from Brazil
Porque me pego a tu culo como la police
Because I stick to your butt like the police
Que vengan los bomberos a echar agua aquí
Let the firemen come and throw water here
Que to' lo líquido ya me lo bebí
I've already drunk all the liquid
Ésto es pa' mover la chapa, pa'acá
This is for moving your body, over here
Pegaos como garrapata, ratatata
Stuck together like a tick, ratatata
Yo que siempre voy pa'lante y tu vas pa'trás
Me always going forward and you going back
Ahora quédate quieta que voy pa'allá
Now stay still, I'm coming over there
Faré una pels valents, pels porucs, pels que no saben ballar
I'll make one for the brave, for the fearful, for those who don't know how to dance
I els que no poden parar de moure els malucs
And those who can't stop moving their hips
Faig el que puc, el que em deixen, el que vull i em ve de gust
I do what I can, what they let me, what I want and feel like
Una cançó per ballar mentre estàs parat a un embús
A song to dance to while you're stuck in a traffic jam
Vull fer un tema diferent però que ens faci a tots iguals
I want to make a different song but that makes us all equal
Que serveixi d'indirecta per llençar una senyal
That serves as a hint to throw a signal
Un tema que no estigui buit tampoc intellectual
A song that's not empty nor intellectual
Que sigui en català però que es faci internacional
That's in Catalan but becomes international
He descobert que tinc un superpoder:
I've discovered that I have a superpower:
Capaç de mirar-te als ulls, dir-ho tot i no dir-te res
Able to look you in the eyes, say everything and tell you nothing
Una cançó que faci que s'enamorin en un segon
A song that makes people fall in love in a second
I deu minuts més tard empanyin el vidre de l'habitació
And ten minutes later they fog up the bedroom window
Vull fer un hit, un himne, un signe d'una generació
I want to make a hit, an anthem, a sign of a generation
Un motiu per brindar si escoltes aquesta cançó
A reason to toast if you hear this song
Vull que t'alliberi i t'empoderi de debò
I want it to truly liberate and empower you
Mira qui que t'agrada i planta-li un petó
Look at whoever you like and give them a kiss
Cuando bailo creen que vengo de Brasil
When I dance they think I'm from Brazil
Porque me pego a tu culo como la police
Because I stick to your butt like the police
Que vengan los bomberos a echar agua aquí
Let the firemen come and throw water here
Que to' lo líquido ya me lo bebí
I've already drunk all the liquid
Cuando bailo creen que vengo de Brasil
When I dance they think I'm from Brazil
Porque me pego a tu culo como la police
Because I stick to your butt like the police
Que vengan los bomberos a echar agua aquí
Let the firemen come and throw water here
Que to' lo líquido ya me lo bebí
I've already drunk all the liquid
Esto es pa' mover la chapa, pa'acá
This is for moving your body, over here
Pegaos como garrapata, ratatata
Stuck together like a tick, ratatata
Yo que siempre voy pa'lante y tu vas pa'trás
Me always going forward and you going back
Ahora quédate quieta que voy pa'allá
Now stay still, I'm coming over there
Cuando bailo creen que vengo
When I dance they think I come
De Brasil, y no es así
From Brazil, and it's not like that
Cuando bailo creen que vengo
When I dance they think I come
De Brasil, y no es así.
From Brazil, and it's not like that.

Writer(s): Damià Rodríguez, Martí Mora

Lildami feat. Mi Amargo - Viatge en espiral
Viatge en espiral
date of release

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