Liricas Analas - Gie - Mir'anavon - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Liricas Analas - Gie - Mir'anavon

Gie - Mir'anavon
Gie - Mirror
Gie mir'anavon.
Give me your hand.
Seigies aviarts.
Be my flight.
Orda via culs craps.
Let's walk our bad ways.
Fai liber tiu tgau.
Set your soul free.
E vesa il bien,
And see the good,
Buc adina il schliet.
Forget the bad forever.
Emprova da cuir, ei porta dapli,
Try to believe, it brings more,
Has buc aunc entschiet?
Haven't you started yet?
Jeu mon ti vas in pass anavon,
I'll show you the way forward,
Maun en maun - vein liber nies tgau,
Hand in hand - come and set your soul free,
Per la via che meina nus sil medem numnader,
On the path that leads us to the same destination,
Ina sfida ch'accumpogna nus tochen tiel salvader.
A challenge that accompanies us until such salvation.
Sempel eisi buc per biars da vegnir orda tegia,
It's not easy for many to become free,
In'autra vesta, aviartadad ein buc quellas che regian,
Another life, openness is not what they rule,
Plitost la tema che setta tras il tgau e la gretta,
Rather the fear that sits behind the head and sadness,
Lezza seglia e peglia, fa star si la pelegna.
It chooses and takes, makes you stay on the brink.
Ed ei tilan la ghegna sch'ei va per midadas da basa,
And it's up to you the way you go through the lows,
Satrar las modas disadas (gie) lu vegn ei fatg lalas.
Closing the damned fashions (give) then it becomes miserable.
Tut seigi schliet ed ei vegn dau cun palas,
Everything is bad and it comes with spades,
Al bien detg adia e agl optimist han ei dau las alas.
Goodbye to the good and they have given wings to the optimist.
Mo sch'ins pudess cuir ad auters la partida
But if you could love others like you do
Fussen nus libers e plein harmonia.
We would be free and full of harmony.
Senza scuidonza da buna cumpignia
Without fear of good company
Essan nus in pievel pacific e da buna natira.
Being a peaceful people and of good nature.
Ina buna mesira, ina buna relaziun,
A good measure, a good relationship,
Ha gronda cuida, ina ferma acziun.
Has great care, a firm action.
Ed insumma savessins muentar in tec dapli
And after all we could build a roof more
Cun seser ensemen e lu era aunc puder cuir.
With being together and then we could still love.
En vertit da quella tenuta raccoltein nus en abundonza
In virtue of that attitude we collect in abundance
Quei che nus repartin da buna derivonza,
What we share of good lineage,
Ed aschia selegrein nus da gronda beinstonza,
And so we rejoice with great joy,
En favur dad ina fetg buna cuminonza
In favor of a very good community
Mo sch'ins pudess cuir ad auters la partida
But if you could love others like you do
Fussen nus libers e plein harmonia.
We would be free and full of harmony.
Senza scuidonza da buna cumpignia
Without fear of good company
Essan nus in pievel pacific e da buna natira.
Being a peaceful people and of good nature.
Ina buna mesira, ina buna relaziun,
A good measure, a good relationship,
Ha gronda cuida, ina ferma acziun.
Has great care, a firm action.
Ed insumma savessins muentar in tec dapli
And after all we could build a roof more
Cun seser ensemen e lu era aunc puder cuir.
With being together and then we could still love.
En vertit da quella tenuta raccoltein nus en abundonza
In virtue of that attitude we collect in abundance
Quei che nus repartin da buna derivonza,
What we share of good lineage,
Ed aschia selegrein nus da gronda beinstonza,
And so we rejoice with great joy,
En favur dad ina fetg buna cuminonza
In favor of a very good community

Writer(s): Simon Eichinger, Renzo Hendry, Roman Flepp, Johannes Just

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