Loko Loko - Transporter - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Loko Loko - Transporter

4 hodiny
For 4 hours now
Ma vezú v transportery
They’ve been driving me in a transporter
Za prokurátorom lebo otázky
To the prosecutor because he has questions
Zase ďaľší skurvysyni zradili
Another bunch of sons of bitches betrayed me
4 hodiny
For 4 hours now
Ma vezú v transportery
They’ve been driving me in a transporter
Za prokurátorom lebo otázky
To the prosecutor because he has questions
Zase ďaľší skurvysyni zradili
Another bunch of sons of bitches betrayed me
Chcem sa dostať von ale nemôžem pokiaľ nechcem zaplatiť životom
I wanna get out but I can’t unless I wanna pay with my life
Chcel by som mať život ako ty ale iba tak ako alibi
I wish I could have a life like you, but just as an alibi
Nechcem robiť toto všetko ale musím keď nechcem byť otrokom
I don’t want to do all this but I have to if I don’t wanna be a slave
Nechcel by si byť ja brate stále pátranie všade samé atrapy
You wouldn’t wanna be me, bro, constantly searched, decoys everywhere
Kurvy robia nadčasy aby nám nejaké veci dokazovali
Bitches are working overtime to prove some shit on us
Ale moje zvieratá jedia každý deň lepšie ako oni všetci dokopy
But my animals eat better every day than all of them put together
skoro som sa musel naučiť čítať medzi riadkamy
I almost had to learn to read between the lines
Ale nestažujem sa brate aj keď sedím v cele mám na sebe fendi
But I’m not complaining, bro, even though I’m sitting in a cell, I’m wearing Fendi
4 hodiny
For 4 hours now
Ma vezú v transportery
They’ve been driving me in a transporter
Za prokurátorom lebo otázky
To the prosecutor because he has questions
Zase ďaľší skurvysyni zradili
Another bunch of sons of bitches betrayed me
4 hodiny
For 4 hours now
Ma vezú v transportery
They’ve been driving me in a transporter
Za prokurátorom lebo otázky
To the prosecutor because he has questions
Zase ďaľší skurvysyni zradili
Another bunch of sons of bitches betrayed me
Každý deň ktorý človek prežije je dar
Every day a person lives is a gift
Neviete si predstaviť aký je toto život
You can’t imagine what this life is like
Keď ste ho neskúsili
If you haven’t tried it
Každý deň sa človek zobúdza
Every day a person wakes up
S tou istou myšlienkou
With the same thought
Kto zomrie kto prežije
Who will die who will survive
Kto dostane dalši deň
Who will get another day
Od niektorých vecí treba utiecť
You have to run from certain things
Videl som slnko videl som mesiac
I saw the sun I saw the moon
Videl som tigra videl som sám seba
I saw a tiger I saw myself
Videl som teba ako to vzdávaš
I saw you giving up
viem čo treba vonku ľudia
I know what it takes, there are people outside
Ktorí sa spoliehajú na mňa
Who rely on me
Lóve požehnanie súčasne aj kliadba
Money is a blessing and a curse
Výnimočné situácie vyžadujú aj výnimočné konania
Exceptional situations require exceptional actions
Moje lóve illegal
My money’s illegal
Všetky látky illegal
All drugs are illegal
Posledný telefonát illegal
The last phone call, illegal
Keď niečo poviem brate je to okamžite illegal
If I say something, bro, it’s immediately illegal
V mojom svete sneží keď je 30 stupňov v tieni
In my world, it snows when it’s 30 degrees in the shade
A naše uši vycvičené spoznať policajné sirény z diaľky
And our ears are trained to recognize police sirens from afar
More toto je všetko iné ako párty
Man, this is anything but a party
4 hodiny
For 4 hours now
Ma vezú v transportery
They’ve been driving me in a transporter
Za prokurátorom lebo otázky
To the prosecutor because he has questions
Zase ďaľší skurvysyni zradili
Another bunch of sons of bitches betrayed me
4 hodiny
For 4 hours now
Ma vezú v transportery
They’ve been driving me in a transporter
Za prokurátorom lebo otázky
To the prosecutor because he has questions
Zase ďaľší skurvysyni zradili
Another bunch of sons of bitches betrayed me
Chceme ťa prijať za člena našej rodiny
We want to accept you as a member of our family
To znamená ze si musíš naše bratstvo ctiť
That means you have to honor our brotherhood
Viac než boha
More than God
Viac než vládu
More than the government
Viac než rodinu
More than family
To znamená že keď ťa zavoláme a ty budeš mať chorého syna alebo dcéru
That means that if we call you and you have a sick son or daughter
Hoci by aj umierali ak ťa zavolám musíš okamžite prísť a nechať všetko tak
Even if they were dying, if I call you, you have to come immediately and leave everything behind
4 hodiny
For 4 hours now
Ma vezú v transportery
They’ve been driving me in a transporter
Za prokurátorom lebo otázky
To the prosecutor because he has questions
Zase ďaľší skurvysyni zradili
Another bunch of sons of bitches betrayed me
4 hodiny
For 4 hours now
Ma vezú v transportery
They’ve been driving me in a transporter
Za prokurátorom lebo otázky
To the prosecutor because he has questions
Zase ďaľší skurvysyni zradili
Another bunch of sons of bitches betrayed me

Writer(s): Loko Loko

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