Lollies - Zruck zu Dir (Hallo Klaus) - Deutsch-Englische Version - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Lollies - Zruck zu Dir (Hallo Klaus) - Deutsch-Englische Version

Zruck zu Dir (Hallo Klaus) - Deutsch-Englische Version
Back to You (Hello Klaus) - German-English Version
I waß net amoil mehr was los war
I don't even know what happened anymore
Wahrscheinlich war er wieder amoil blau
He was probably drunk again
Vielleicht hab i was gsagt
Maybe I said something
Vielleicht hab I eam greizt -
Maybe I upset him
I waß des heut nimmer genau.
I don't remember exactly anymore.
Er redt ja oft gern an Blödsinn
He often likes to talk nonsense
Und i halt mi dann a nimmer zruck
And then I don't hold back
Dann häng eam gschwind no a Goschn an
Then I quickly give him a slap in the face
Da spüln ma halt dann beide verruckt.
Then we both go crazy.
Jetzt is des scho über a Wochn her
It's been a week since that happened
I halt des net ohne eam aus.
I can't bear it without him.
Jetzt ruf i eam an und wann er se meldt
Now I call him and when he answers
Sag i zu eam "hallo Klaus...".
I tell him "hello Klaus...".
I nur zruck zu dir
I just want to come back to you
I nur zruck zu dir
I just want to come back to you
Kannst du mir no amoil verzeihn
Can you forgive me for another time
I hab
I have a lot
zu bereun.
A lot to regret.
Mir is klar
It's clear to me
I war a Narr
I was a fool
I nur zruck zu dir.
I just want to come back to you.
I nur zruck zu dir
I just want to come back to you
I nur zruck zu dir
I just want to come back to you
Mir is klar
It's clear to me
I war a Narr
I was a fool
I nur zruck zu dir.
I just want to come back to you.
So kann i net lebn
I can't live like this
Des gibt ma ka Ruah
It doesn't give me any peace
I halt des net aus und gib nach.
I can't bear it and give in.
Am Tag drah i durch
During the day I go crazy
In der Nacht lieg i wach
At night I lie awake
Vor lauter Heuln san meine Augen scho zua.
From all the crying my eyes are already closed.
So jetzt reiß i mi zamm
So now I pull myself together
Pfeiff auf den Stolz
To hell with pride
Jetzt ruf i eam einfach an in mein Schmerz.
Now I'll just call him in my pain.
Der ruft sicher net an
He certainly won't call
Der hat ja ka Herz
He has no heart
Aber i bin halt net aus Holz.
But I'm not made of wood.
Mir zittern die Händ als i di Nummer wählh
My hands tremble as I dial your number
Hoffentlich is er daham.
I hope he's home.
I sag " hallo Klaus
I say "hello Klaus
I bins deine Maus"-
It's me your mouse"-
Da hör i - i man i tram:
Then I hear - I think I'm dreaming:
I nur zruck zu dir
I just want to come back to you
I nur zruck zu dir
I just want to come back to you
Kannst du mir no amoil verzeihn
Can you forgive me for another time
I hab
I have a lot
zu bereun.
A lot to regret.
Mir is klar
It's clear to me
Mir warn zwei Narrn
We were two fools
I nur zruck zu dir.
I just want to come back to you.
I nur zruck zu dir
I just want to come back to you
I nur zruck zu dir
I just want to come back to you
Kannst du mir no amoil verzeihn
Can you forgive me for another time
I hab
I have a lot
zu bereun.
A lot to regret.
Mir is klar
It's clear to me
I war an Narr
I was a fool
I nur zruck zu dir.
I just want to come back to you.
I nur zruck zu dir
I just want to come back to you
I nur zruck zu dir
I just want to come back to you
Kannst du mir no amoil verzeihn
Can you forgive me for another time
I hab
I have a lot
zu bereun.
A lot to regret.
Mir is klar
It's clear to me
I war an Narr
I was a fool
I nur zruck zu dir.
I just want to come back to you.

Writer(s): Nick R. Bocker

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