Lora - Floare la ureche - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Lora - Floare la ureche

Floare la ureche
A Piece of Cake
O fi tipic barbatesc
Maybe it's typical of men
Stai cu baietii seara de seara
To hang out with the guys every night
Si-mi zici ca te innebunesc
And tell me I'm driving you crazy
Daca vreau si eu sa ne plimbam pe afara
If I want us to go for a walk outside
Care-i problema? Problema esti tu
What's the problem? The problem is you
Uite care-i schema: eu nu-l vreu pe altu'
Here's the deal: I don't want anyone else
Nu pot sa-nteleg unde ti-e sufletu'
I can't understand where your heart is
Si cum poti sa-mparti cu mine-acum doar patu'
And how you can only share the bed with me now
Esti prea rece chiar si cand vremea e hot-hot
You're too cold even when the weather is hot-hot
Mult prea rece, nu stiu ce-as mai putea sa fac
Too cold, I don't know what else I can do
Prea greu trece, timpul se-aude tic tac
Time passes too slowly, I hear it tick tock
Te-as lasa, dar mi-esti prea drag
I would leave you, but you're too dear to me
Astazi iar pleci, maine te-ntorci
Today you leave again, tomorrow you come back
Promiti ca nu se va mai intampla
You promise it won't happen again
Vezi ca te-ntreci, de ce te joci
You're going too far, why are you playing
Ca pe terenul tau cu dragostea
With love like it's your playground
De parca-i floare la ureche
As if it's a piece of cake
Floare la ureche
A piece of cake
De parca-i floare la ureche
As if it's a piece of cake
De ce te joci cu mintea mea
Why are you playing with my mind
Eu nu stiu cum poti tu sa stai
I don't know how you can be
Atat de calm si relaxat
So calm and relaxed
Pleci si nici macar nu mai dai
You leave and don't even give
Nici un semn de unde esti plecat
A sign of where you've gone
Paranoia in capul meu se poarta o lupta ca-n Troia
Paranoia in my head is fighting a battle like in Troy
Eu nu vreau sa lupt, dar ma impinge nevoia
I don't want to fight, but I'm pushed by the need
Ranile-s adanci, nu le vindeci cu aloea
The wounds are deep, you can't heal them with aloe
Spune-mi de ce
Tell me why
Esti prea rece chiar si cand vremea e hot-hot
You're too cold even when the weather is hot-hot
Mult prea rece, nu stiu ce-as mai putea sa fac
Too cold, I don't know what else I can do
Prea greu trece, timpul se-aude tic tac
Time passes too slowly, I hear it tick tock
Te-as lasa, dar mi-esti prea drag
I would leave you, but you're too dear to me
Astazi iar pleci, maine te-ntorci
Today you leave again, tomorrow you come back
Promiti ca nu se va mai intampla
You promise it won't happen again
Vezi ca te-ntreci, de ce te joci
You're going too far, why are you playing
Ca pe terenul tau cu dragostea
With love like it's your playground
De parca-i floare la ureche
As if it's a piece of cake
Floare la ureche
A piece of cake
De parca-i floare la ureche
As if it's a piece of cake
De ce te joci cu mintea mea
Why are you playing with my mind
Si nici inima nu stie ce-i cu ea
And even my heart doesn't know what's wrong with it
Vad ca nu mai vrea sa bata cum batea
I see it doesn't want to beat like it used to
Simte ca s-a intamplat ceva
It feels like something happened
Zi-mi unde ti-e dragostea
Tell me where your love is
Astazi iar pleci, maine te-ntorci
Today you leave again, tomorrow you come back
Promiti ca nu se va mai intampla
You promise it won't happen again
Vezi ca te-ntreci, de ce te joci
You're going too far, why are you playing
Ca pe terenul tau cu dragostea
With love like it's your playground
De parca-i floare la ureche
As if it's a piece of cake
Floare la ureche
A piece of cake
De parca-i floare la ureche
As if it's a piece of cake
De ce te joci cu mintea mea
Why are you playing with my mind
Astazi iar pleci, maine te-ntorci
Today you leave again, tomorrow you come back
Promiti ca nu se va mai intampla
You promise it won't happen again
Vezi ca te-ntreci, de ce te joci
You're going too far, why are you playing
Ca pe terenul tau cu dragostea
With love like it's your playground
De parca-i floare la ureche
As if it's a piece of cake
Floare la ureche
A piece of cake
De parca-i floare la ureche
As if it's a piece of cake
De ce te joci cu mintea mea
Why are you playing with my mind
Floare la ureche, floare la ureche
A piece of cake, a piece of cake
Floare la ureche
A piece of cake
Vii si pleci din inima mea
You come and go from my heart
Spune, spune tu de ce te joci asa
Tell me, tell me why you play like that
Vii si pleci din inima mea
You come and go from my heart
Spune, spune tu de ce te joci asa
Tell me, tell me why you play like that

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