Los Tucanes de Tijuana - El Rayito - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Los Tucanes de Tijuana - El Rayito

El Rayito
The Lightning Bolt
Le apodaban el rayito
They called him the Lightning Bolt
Por que el plebe era una bala
Because the young man was a bullet
A pesar que era tan joven
Despite being so young
No le tenía miedo a nada
He was not afraid of anything
Chaidez era su apellido
Chaidez was his last name
Y Raymundo se llamaba
And he was called Raymundo
Era el día de su cumpleaños
It was the day of his birthday
20 por cierto cumplía
He was turning 20
En el boulevard Anaya
On Anaya Boulevard
La muerte lo sorprendia
Death took him by surprise
Ráfagas de carro a carro
Drive-by shooting
Terminaron con su vida
Ended his life
A la familia ofendieron
They offended his family
Era lo q pretendían
That's what they intended
Con la muerte del rayito
With the death of the Lightning Bolt
Sabían que lo lograrían
They knew they would succeed
Y en verdad lo consiguieron
And they really did
Ya la mecha esta prendida
The fuse is lit
La moneda esta en el aire
The coin is in the air
Y ahí venados en la mira
And there are deer in the crosshairs
Era garañón el rayo
The Lightning Bolt was a stallion
Tenia amores donde quiera
He had lovers everywhere
Se dio los gustos que quiso
He indulged himself as he pleased
Era gallo de adeveras
He was a true champion
Tuvo hazañas muy pesadas
He had some heavy adventures
Era de buena madera
He was made of good stuff
Cuando el toro es encartado
When the bull is tough
El becerro nace fino
The calf is born fine
El rayito era de arranque
The Lightning Bolt was a starter
Se moría por un amigo
He would die for a friend
Hasta pa portar pistola
Even in carrying a gun
El rayito tenia estilo
The Lightning Bolt had style
Adiós shakala Durango
Farewell, Shakala Durango
Ya me quede aquí en los llanos
I've stayed here on the plains
Adiós muchachas bonitas
Farewell, pretty girls
Que sus mieles me entregaron
Who gave me your honey
Adiós a toda mi raza
Farewell to all my race
Culiacán ahí va un recado
Culiacan, here's a message
Mas vale vivir de pie que morir arrodillado
It's better to live standing up than to die kneeling down

Writer(s): Mario Quintero Lara

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