Lou Reed - The City in the Sea / Shadow - translation of the lyrics into French

Lyrics and translation Lou Reed - The City in the Sea / Shadow

The City in the Sea / Shadow
La ville dans la mer / Ombre
Death has reared himself a throne
La mort s'est dressé un trône
In a strange city
Dans une étrange ville
Death has reared himself a throne
La mort s'est dressé un trône
In a strange city
Dans une étrange ville
Their shrines and palaces are not like ours
Leurs sanctuaires et leurs palais ne sont pas comme les nôtres
They do not tremble and rot
Ils ne tremblent pas et ne pourrissent pas
Eaten with time
Mangés par le temps
Death has reared himself a throne
La mort s'est dressé un trône
Lifted by forgotten winds
Soulevé par des vents oubliés
Resignedly beneath the sky
Résigné sous le ciel
The melancholy waters lie
Les eaux mélancoliques se trouvent
A crown of stars
Une couronne d'étoiles
In a strange city
Dans une étrange ville
A heaven God does not condemn
Un paradis que Dieu ne condamne pas
But the everlasting shadow
Mais l'ombre éternelle
Makes mockery of it all
S'en moque
No holy rays come down
Aucun rayon sacré ne descend
Lights from the lurid deep sea
Des lumières de la mer profonde et lugubre
Stream up the turrets silently
Montent silencieusement les tourelles
Up thrones, up arbors
Jusqu'aux trônes, jusqu'aux arceaux
Of sculpted ivy and stone flowers
De lierre sculpté et de fleurs de pierre
Up domes, up spires
Jusqu'aux dômes, jusqu'aux flèches
Kingly halls all are melancholy shrines
Les salles royales sont toutes des sanctuaires mélancoliques
The columns, frieze and entablature
Les colonnes, la frise et l'entablement
Chokingly shockingly intertwined
Étouffant, choquant, entremêlés
The mast the viol and the vine
Le mât, le violon et la vigne
There amid no earthly moans
Là, au milieu de gémissements terrestres
Hell rises from a thousand thrones
L'enfer s'élève de mille trônes
Does reverence to death
Rend hommage à la mort
And death does give his undivided time
Et la mort lui accorde son temps entier
There are open temples
Il y a des temples ouverts
And graves on a level with the waves
Et des tombes au niveau des vagues
Death looms and looks
La mort plane et regarde
There is a ripple
Il y a une ondulation
Now a wave
Maintenant une vague
Towers thrown aside
Les tours sont mises de côté
Sinking in the dull tide
Coulant dans la marée terne
The waves glowing redder
Les vagues deviennent plus rouges
The very hours losing their breath
Les heures mêmes perdent leur souffle
All the cunning stars
Toutes les étoiles rusées
Watching fitfully over night after night of
Regardant nerveusement nuit après nuit de
Matchless ... sleep
Incomparable ... sommeil
Matched only with the whole of dream ...
Assorti uniquement à l'ensemble du rêve ...
The tell-tale beating of the heart
Le battement de cœur révélateur
The ... breath
La ... respiration
The desire, the pose
Le désir, la pose
One poses upon the precipice
On se tient sur le bord du précipice
To fall to run to dive to tumble to fall down
Pour tomber courir plonger rouler tomber
Down into the spiral down and then
Vers le bas dans la spirale et puis
One sees one's own death
On voit sa propre mort
One sees one committing murder or atrocious violent acts
On se voit commettre un meurtre ou des actes violents atroces
And then across the shadow
Et puis à travers l'ombre
Not of man or God
Pas de l'homme ni de Dieu
But the shadow resting upon the brazen doorway
Mais l'ombre reposant sur la porte en bronze
There were seven of us there
Nous étions sept là-bas
Who saw the shadow as it came out from among the draperies
Qui ont vu l'ombre sortir des draperies
But we did not dare behold it
Mais nous n'avons pas osé la regarder
We looked down into the depths of the mirror of ebony
Nous avons regardé dans les profondeurs du miroir d'ébène
And the apparition spoke
Et l'apparition a parlé
"I am a shadow
"Je suis une ombre
And I dwell in the catacombs
Et j'habite dans les catacombes
Which border
Qui bordent
The country of illusion
Le pays de l'illusion
Hard by the dim plains of wishing"
Près des plaines sombres du souhait"
And then did we start shuddering
Et alors nous avons commencé à trembler
Starting from our seats
En nous levant de nos sièges
En tremblant
For the tones in the voice of the shadow
Car les tons de la voix de l'ombre
Were not the tones of any one man
N'étaient pas les tons d'un seul homme
But of a multitude of beings
Mais d'une multitude d'êtres
And varying in their cadences
Et variant dans leurs cadences
From syllable to syllable
De syllabe en syllabe
Fell duskily upon our ears in the well
Tombèrent sombrement sur nos oreilles dans le puits
Remembered and familiar accents
Accents familiers et mémorisés
Of a thousand departed friends
De mille amis disparus

Writer(s): Lou Reed

Lou Reed - The Sire Years: Complete Albums Box
The Sire Years: Complete Albums Box
date of release

1 Original Wrapper (Live Version)
2 Harry's Circumcision - Reverie Gone Astray
3 Riptide (Live Version)
4 Coney Island Baby (Live Version)
5 The Kids (Live Version)
6 Riptide
7 Kicks (Live Version)
8 Set the Twilight Reeling
9 The Raven
10 The Bed
11 Busload of Faith
12 What's Good (The Thesis)
13 The Courtly Orangutans
14 Dirty Blvd. (Live Version)
15 Perfect Day (Live Version)
16 Strawman
17 Dirty Blvd.
18 Hello It's Me
19 Rouge
20 Overture
21 Fire Music
22 Dorita (The Spirit)
23 A Thousand Departed Friends
24 Set the Twilight Reeling (Live Version)
25 Candy Says (Live Version)
26 Call on Me (Live Version)
27 Ecstasy (Live Version)
28 Vanishing Act (Live Version)
29 Tell It to Your Heart (Live Version)
30 Guardian Angel
31 Who Am I? (Tripitena's Song)
32 Every Frog Has His Day
33 A Wild Being from Birth
34 The Cask
35 Vanishing Act
36 Imp of the Perverse
37 Tell Tale Heart, Pt. 2
38 The Tell Tale Heart, Pt. 1
39 Broadway Song
40 Balloon
41 The City in the Sea / Shadow
42 The Valley of Unrest
43 Big Sky
44 Rock Minuet
45 Tatters
46 Modern Dance
47 Ecstasy
48 Mystic Child
49 Paranoia Key of E
50 Sex With Your Parents (Motherfucker), Pt. II [Live]
51 Hang on to Your Emotions
52 Trade In
53 NYC Man
54 Egg Cream
55 Starlight
56 Work
57 Open House
58 Smalltown
59 Good Evening Mr. Waldheim
60 Hold On
61 Sick Of You
62 Beginning of a Great Adventure
63 There Is No Time
64 Endless Cycle
65 Romeo Had Juliette
66 Dreamin' - Escape
67 Forever Changed
68 Turning Time Around
69 Talking Book - Live Version
70 White Prism
71 Into The Divine - Live Version
72 Mad
73 Warrior King - Revenge
74 Change
75 Future Farmers Of America
76 Baton Rouge
77 Call On Me
78 Xmas In February
79 Nobody but You
80 I Wanna Know (The Pit and the Pendulum)
81 Guilty (Edit)
82 Perfect Day
83 All Tomorrow's Parties (Live Version)
84 Men of Good Fortune (Live Version)
85 Sex With Your Parents (Motherfucker), Pt. II [Recorded Live July 4th, 1995]
86 Revien Cherie (Live Version)
87 Sunday Morning (Live Version)
88 The Bed (Live Version)
89 The Day John Kennedy Died (Live Version)
90 The Raven (Live Version)
91 Venus in Furs (Live Version)
92 Smalltown (Live Version)
93 Street Hassle (Live Version)
94 How Do You Think It Feels (Live Version)
95 Heroin (Live Version)
96 Advice (Live Version)
97 Hop Frog (feat. David Bowie)
98 Magic And Loss (Summation)
99 The Propostion
100 Prologue
101 Busload Of Faith - Live Version
102 New Sensations - Live Version
103 Why Do You Talk (Live Version)
104 Cremation (Ashes to Ashes)
105 No Chance - Regret
106 Goodby Mass (In a Chapel Bodily Termination)
107 Sword of Damocles - Externally
108 Magician - Internally
109 Power and Glory - The Situation
110 Vicious (Live Version)
111 Power and Glory, Pt. II - Magic - Transformation
112 I'll Be Your Mirror (Live Version)
113 The Conqueror Worm
114 Old Poe
115 Tripitena's Speech
116 The Fall Of The House Of Usher
117 Science Of The Mind
118 Like A Possum
119 Last Great American Whale
120 Hookywooky
121 Halloween Parade
122 Finish Line
123 Edgar Allan Poe
124 Dime Store Mystery
125 Burning Embers
126 Blind Rage
127 Adventurer
128 Images
129 Faces And Names
130 Trouble With Classicists
131 Style It Takes
132 Slip Away (A Warning)
133 It Wasn't Me
134 I Believe
135 A Dream
136 Annabel Lee/The Bells
137 Gassed And Stoned - Loss

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