Lucie Bílá - Zivot vypadal krasne - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Lucie Bílá - Zivot vypadal krasne

Zivot vypadal krasne
Life Seemed Beautiful
Život vypadal krásnĕ
Life seemed beautiful
Ty ses smál
You laughed
si cenil dásnĕ.
With your gums showing.
Všechno bylo tak skvĕlý
Everything was so great
Mohli jsme dĕlat všechno
We could do everything
Co jsme chtĕli
We wanted
Po zábradlí jsi přešel
You walked across the handrail
Starej most
An old bridge
A ti žrala každou pitomost
And I ate up every bit of your nonsense
Dneska se ti tak nedvořím
Today I no longer flatter you
A z trpajzlíka obra nestvořím
And I won't make a giant out of a dwarf
jsem v stohlavým davu
In a crowd of hundreds
Vidĕla vždycky jenom tvoji hlavu
I only ever saw your head
Bylo to moc skvĕlý
It was too great
A všemu kolem sme tak rozumĕli
And we thought we understood everything around us
Trochu si hrát a k tomu hodnĕ lhát
Playing around a bit and lying a lot
Po ránu bdít a ve dne usínat
Staying up at night and falling asleep in the morning
A stvořit jenom otřepanej sen
And creating only a stale dream
A tomu přece vĕří blázen jen
And only a fool believes that
Trochu si hrát a k tomu hodnĕ lhát
Playing around a bit and lying a lot
Po ránu bdít a ve dne usínat
Staying up at night and falling asleep in the morning
A stvořit jenom otřepanej sen
And creating only a stale dream
A tomu přece vĕří blázen jen
And only a fool believes that
Všechno bylo tak skvĕlý
Everything was so great
Mohli jsme dĕlat všechno
We could do everything
Co jsme chtĕli
We wanted
Probdít třeba tři noci
Staying up for three nights
Ve dne se válet
Rolling around during the day
Jak dva mloci
Like two newts
Po zábradlí jsi přešel
You walked across the handrail
Starej most
An old bridge
A ti žrala každou pitomost
And I ate up every bit of your nonsense
A jásala jakej si samorost
And exulted over what an original you were
Najednou toho bylo víc než dost
Suddenly it was more than enough

Writer(s): John Sebastian, Gabriela Osvaldova

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