Lucie Vondráčková - Skoc Si Do Ty Vody - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Lucie Vondráčková - Skoc Si Do Ty Vody

Skoc Si Do Ty Vody
Jump Into the Water
Po hluboký vodě po černý hlubině,
In the deep waters, in the dark depths,
Utržený kvítí pryč vodě plyne,
A flower has been torn away, floating in the water towards me,
že nebylo nikdy lásky mezi náma,
There never was love between us,
Voda si to kvítí sama zutrhala.
The water has torn the flower itself away.
Zutrhala z břehů lilie studený,
It has torn cold lilies from the banks,
Zanesla to na hrob mýmu potěšení,
And carried them to the grave of my pleasure,
Studená lilie z břehů utržená,
A cold lily, torn from the banks,
Jak vodu poznám, když ona dno nemá...
How can I know the water when it has no bottom...
Skoč si do vody, když tak těžko je ti,
Jump into the water, if you find it so hard,
Vona ti poví co si chtěl věděti,
It will tell you what you wanted to know,
Skoč si do vody, jestli je ti libo,
Jump into the water, if you like,
Ale za mnou nechoď potom, jak živo!
But don't come after me, for the rest of your life!
Rybky co drůžičky na pohřeb ti půjdou,
Fish will be your bridesmaids at the funeral,
A ty splavy modrý zvonit hrany budou,
And the blue dams will ring the bells,
Budou zvonit hrany, že není škoda,
They will ring the bells, that you are not worth missing,
Neuměl's milovat vzal čert a voda...
You couldn't love, the devil and water took you...
Skoč si do vody, když tak těžko je ti,
Jump into the water, if you find it so hard,
Vona ti poví co si chtěl věděti,
It will tell you what you wanted to know,
Skoč si do vody, jestli je ti libo,
Jump into the water, if you like,
Ale za mnou nechoď potom, jak živo!
But don't come after me, for the rest of your life!
Skoč si do vody, když tak těžko je ti,
Jump into the water, if you find it so hard,
Vona ti poví co si chtěl věděti,
It will tell you what you wanted to know,
Skoč si do vody, jestli je ti libo,
Jump into the water, if you like,
Ale za mnou nechoď potom, jak živo!
But don't come after me, for the rest of your life!
Skoč si do vody, když tak těžko je ti,
Jump into the water, if you find it so hard,
Vona ti poví co si chtěl věděti,
It will tell you what you wanted to know,
Skoč si do vody jestli je ti libo,
Jump into the water if you like,
Ale za mnou nechoď potom, jak živo!
But don't come after me, for the rest of your life!
Skoč si do vody, když tak těžko je ti,
Jump into the water, if you find it so hard,
Vona ti poví co si chtěl věděti,
It will tell you what you wanted to know,
Skoč si do vody jestli je ti libo,
Jump into the water if you like,
Ale za mnou nechoď potom, jak živo!
But don't come after me, for the rest of your life!

Writer(s): Josef Kainar, Miroslav Jelinek

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