Lucienne Delyle - Je crois aux navires - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Lucienne Delyle - Je crois aux navires

Je crois aux navires
I Believe in Ships
Il naviguait sur un trois-mâts
He sailed on a three-masted ship
De Port-au-Prince à Panama
From Port-au-Prince to Panama
J′étais à lui comme une bête
I was his like a beast
Ce n'était pas un de chez nous
He was not one of us
Et quand je priais à genoux
And when I prayed on my knees
Que Dieu le garde des tempêtes
That God would keep him from storms
M′attirant vers le creux du lit
Drawing me into the hollow of the bed
Dans ses bras chauds que le roulis
In his warm arms that the roll
Berçait encore pour me plaire
Still rocked me to please me
Il m'embrassait pleine d'émoi
He kissed me full of emotion
Et me disait coulant sur moi
And said to me flowing over me
Son regard pur comme l′eau claire
His gaze pure as clear water
"Moi, j′ crois pas au bon Dieu
"I don't believe in God
Mais j' crois aux navires
But I believe in ships
Quand l′océan devient furieux
When the ocean becomes furious
Tiens bon la barre et tourne et vire
Hold the bar and turn and turn
Danse la gigue, hardi mon vieux
Dance the jig, my brave old man
Y a pas d' raison pour qu′on chavire
There's no reason for us to capsize
Moi, j' crois pas au bon Dieu
I don't believe in God
Mais j′ crois aux navires"
But I believe in ships"
À chaque escale il débarquait
At each stopover he would disembark
Et tout de suite sur le quai
And immediately on the quay
Je frissonnais sous son étreinte
I shivered under his embrace
Cette nuit-là je l'attendais
That night I was waiting for him
Depuis des jours le vent grondait
For days the wind had been howling
J'avais le cœur rempli de crainte
My heart was filled with fear
Quand, faisant route vers le port
When, heading for the port
J′ai vu briller les feux du bord
I saw the lights of the ship shine
De joie, j′ai cru verser des larmes
With joy, I thought I would shed tears
Je le voyais déjà sautant
I could already see him jumping
Et me criant d'un air content
And shouting to me with a happy air
En se moquant de mes alarmes
Laughing at my fears
"Moi, j′ crois pas au bon Dieu
"I don't believe in God
Mais j' crois aux navires"
But I believe in ships"
Hélas, il n′est pas revenu
Alas, he did not come back
Une femme l'a retenu
A woman kept him
Dans un village de la côte
In a village on the coast
On dit qu′elle a le cœur changeant
They say she has a fickle heart
Et que, le soir, pour de l'argent
And that in the evening, for money
N'importe qui devient son hôte
Anyone becomes her host
Pour la garder toute pour lui
To keep her all for himself
Il fait la fraude chaque nuit
He cheats every night
Sur un rafiot de pacotille
On a junk raft
Il paraît même, le damné
He even seems, the damned
Qu′il ne craint pas de l′emmener
That he is not afraid to take her away
Le soir, au large des Antilles
In the evening, off the Antilles
Moi, je crois au bon Dieu
I believe in God
Mais pas aux navires
But not in ships
Quand un navire est par trop vieux
When a ship is too old
Y a rien d'étonnant qu′il chavire
It's no wonder it capsizes
Moi, je crois au bon Dieu
I believe in God
Mais pas aux navires!
But not in ships!

Writer(s): Marguerite Monnot, Jacques Larue

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