Luigi 21 Plus - Tu Gato Favorito - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Luigi 21 Plus - Tu Gato Favorito

Tu Gato Favorito
Your Favorite Cat
Yo recuerdo que tu decías que no te enamorabas
I remember you used to say you wouldn't fall in love
y me lo jurabas, que a ti nadie te enchulaba
and you swore to me, that nobody could charm you
esos días cuando tu ignorabas mis llamadas
those days when you ignored my calls
ese guille que te dabas, no había quien te conquistara
that attitude you gave, no one could conquer you
Y llegue yo, aunque ella no se enamora
And then I arrived, even though she doesn't fall in love
todo cambió, ahora llama a todas horas
everything changed, now she calls all the time
desde el momento en que le di un par de besitos
from the moment I gave her a couple of kisses
y se lo hice bien rico, soy su gato favorito
and I did it real good, I'm her favorite cat
Se pone súper contenta al verme
She gets super happy to see me
sin decir una palabra rápido va a besarme
without saying a word, she quickly goes to kiss me
no quiere soltarme y empieza a decirme
she doesn't want to let go of me and starts to tell me
que no pasa ni un segundo sin que pueda pensarme
that not a second goes by that she can't think of me
Está tan buena, que hasta un par de panas le tiran
She's so hot, that even a couple of my buddies hit on her
el culo le miran pero ella ni los mira
they check out her ass but she doesn't even look at them
y me dice, en esos puercos es que tu confías
and she tells me, those pigs are who you trust
y yo le digo tranquila no eres mujer mía
and I tell her relax, you're not my woman
Me llena de besos y caricias
She fills me with kisses and caresses
me da unas mama, uuhm que delicia
she gives me some head, uuhm what a delight
ella juró no volver a enamorarse
she swore not to fall in love again
porque no ha existido un hombre que la hiciera jukearse
because there hasn't been a man who could make her lose control
Y llegue yo, aunque ella no se enamora
And then I arrived, even though she doesn't fall in love
todo cambió, ahora llama a todas horas
everything changed, now she calls all the time
desde el momento en que le di un par de besitos
from the moment I gave her a couple of kisses
y se lo hice bien rico, soy su gato favorito
and I did it real good, I'm her favorite cat
Tiene un gato que es cirujano
She has a cat who is a surgeon
le ayuda con los bill y le da la mano
he helps her with the bills and gives her a hand
me dice que solo lo quiere como un hermano
she tells me she only loves him like a brother
que es un tipo bien un chico sano
that he's a good guy, a healthy guy
El otro gato dice que es deportista
The other cat says he's an athlete
no se si es boxeador, futbolista o ciclista
I don't know if he's a boxer, soccer player or cyclist
ella me dice que por mas que le insista
she tells me that no matter how much he insists
yo sigo siendo number one en su lista
I'm still number one on her list
Su gato favorito, su papasito
Her favorite cat, her daddy
su caco el bellaquito, el mas loquito
her cute little rascal, the craziest one
el que en cualquier lugar encuentra un rinconsito
the one who finds a little corner anywhere
y se lo mete bien rico
and puts it in real good
Y llegue yo, aunque ella no se enamora
And then I arrived, even though she doesn't fall in love
todo cambió, ahora llama a todas horas
everything changed, now she calls all the time
desde el momento en que le di un par de besitos
from the moment I gave her a couple of kisses
y se lo hice bien rico, soy su gato favorito
and I did it real good, I'm her favorite cat
tu sabes que yo soy tu favorito
you know I'm your favorite
no llames al otro, me llamas a mi
don't call the other one, call me
Luigi 21 Plus
Luigi 21 Plus
tu sabes como es ma
you know how it is ma
como el heiz ma
like the heiz ma
fino como el heiz
fine like the heiz
Carbon Fiber Music
Carbon Fiber Music
soy su gato favorito
I'm her favorite cat

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