Luiz Bastos - Louco por Chamamé - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Luiz Bastos - Louco por Chamamé

Louco por Chamamé
Crazy for Chamamé
A tarde abafou o espaço
The afternoon suffocated the space
Sol e mormaço mandando ver
Sun and heat are wreaking havoc
Andava no meu picaço
I was walking on my steed
Me fui ao passo dar de beber
I went at a walking pace to give it water
A balsa ia rio acima
The ferry was going up the river
E uma morena dela sorriu
And a brunette smiled from it
Botou uma flor no cabelo
She put a flower in her hair
Me atirou um beijo e depois sumiu
She threw me a kiss and then disappeared
Botou uma flor no cabelo
She put a flower in her hair
Me atirou um beijo e depois sumiu
She threw me a kiss and then disappeared
Quem sabe fosse a morena
Maybe it was the brunette
Uma estancieira buscando amor
A rancher looking for love
Quem sabe ficou parada
Maybe she stopped
Nesta fachada de domador
In this facade of a tamer
Quem sabe naquela trança
Maybe in that braid
Tem uma herança e dinheiro tanto
There’s an inheritance and so much money
Que um tipo viva clinudo
That a guy could be made-up for
E vendendo tudo ainda sobre campo
And selling everything still in the countryside
Fiquei meio enfeitiçado
I was a little bewitched
Sempre enredado num assovio
Always entangled in a whistle
A moça no pensamento
The girl in my thoughts
E os olhos sempre rondando o rio
And my eyes always watching the river
Um dia sei quela volta
One day I know she’ll return
Se a balsa sobre tem que descer
If it’s on the ferry, it must come down
Pintando o rio de aquarela
Painting the river with watercolor
E trazendo nela o meu bem-querer
And bringing on it my love
Pintando o rio de aquarela
Painting the river with watercolor
E trazendo nela o meu bem-querer
And bringing on it my love
Morena fique sabendo
Brunette, know this
Que eu quero mesmo mudar de vida
That I really want to change my life
chega de pantomima
Enough of the charade
Com essas meninas de bebida
With these girls who drink too much
Eu sou partido de luxo
I’m a luxury party
Flor de gaúcho além de ser
A gaucho flower, what’s more
Doutor num jogo de truco
A doctor in a game of truco
Borracho e louco por chamamé
Drunk and crazy for chamamé
Doutor num jogo de truco
A doctor in a game of truco
Borracho e louco por chamamé
Drunk and crazy for chamamé
Morena fique sabendo
Brunette, know this
Que eu quero mesmo mudar de vida
That I really want to change my life
chega de pantomima
Enough of the charade
Com essas meninas de bebida
With these girls who drink too much
Eu sou partido de luxo
I’m a luxury party
Flor de gaúcho além de ser
A gaucho flower, what’s more
Doutor num jogo de truco
A doctor in a game of truco
Borracho e louco por chamamé
Drunk and crazy for chamamé
Doutor num jogo de truco
A doctor in a game of truco
Borracho e louco por chamamé
Drunk and crazy for chamamé
Doutor num jogo de truco
A doctor in a game of truco
Borracho e louco por chamamé
Drunk and crazy for chamamé

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