Luna - Samo jednu noc - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Luna - Samo jednu noc

Samo jednu noc
Only One Night
Sve moje ljubavi bile su naivne
All my loves were naive
Pomalo prozirne, pomalo nevine
Somewhat transparent, somewhat innocent
Dok tebe nisam srela ja
Until I met you
Nisam ni sanjala šta je nevolja
I never dreamed what trouble is
Ne mogu više da ti praštam
I can no longer forgive you
I da te pamtim samo po zlu
And to remember you only for evil
Tvoja ruka više nije tu
Your hand is no longer there
Ref. 2x
Ref. 2x
Samo jednu noć bio si tu
Only one night you were here
I sve je krenulo po zlu
And everything went wrong
Samo jednu noć bio si tu
Only one night you were here
A mislio na nju
And thought of her
Samo jednu noć bio si tu
Only one night you were here
I sve je krenulo tad po zlu
And everything went wrong then
Samo jednu noć bio si tu
Only one night you were here
A mislio na nju
And thought of her
Ako je ljubav greh puno sam grešila
If love is a sin, I have sinned a lot
Sve sam ti pružila, sve ti oprostila
I have given you everything, I have forgiven you everything
Dok tebe nisam srela ja
Until I met you
Nisam ni sanjala šta je nevolja
I never dreamed what trouble is

Writer(s): C. Rajicic

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