Leyya - boukyaku automatic - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Leyya - boukyaku automatic

boukyaku automatic
automatic absent-mindedness
平日の夜に一人暗い窓を見る 風が笑い空が泣き月が目を閉じる 落ちる 意識現実の境目 これは目まぐるしくも鮮明なイメージ
On a weekday night, I watch the dark window alone, the wind laughs, the sky cries, and the moon closes its eyes. I fall, the border between consciousness and reality, this is a dizzying yet vivid image.
今日残すこと数分 ループ 窮屈な一日のクライマックス 毎晩この時間は走馬灯のよう 別に求めてないのに記憶起こす
There are only a few minutes left today. Loop, the climax of a cramped day. Every night at this time is like a revolving lantern, I don't ask for it, but the memory comes back.
壊れかけのチャリンコ 穴の空いた網戸
A broken bicycle, a holed screen.
無愛想な駄菓子屋で買って帰るうまい棒 無くさないように握りしめる家の鍵と何よりも大切でくだらないプライド
Bought a delicious stick in an unfriendly candy store, I hold the house key tightly so as not to lose it, and the most important and worthless pride.
太陽が照りつける 帰り道で見つける 蟻の行列を先頭から踏みつける 無情 若さ餓鬼の 頃の記憶思い出す 深夜0時
The sun shines, on the way home I find an ant colony, and I ruthlessly trample on it from the front. Heartless, like a brat. Remembering the past, it's midnight.
淡い 足枷 back again 未だ脳味噌に付着したメモリーズ 絡みつく割にはやけにフレンドリー リアルとの不倫兼ねてベッドイン
Faint, shackles back again, memories still attached to the brain, entangled but surprisingly friendly, having an affair with reality, and having sex in bed.
フラッシュバック 集める思い出 鮮明で濃いめ俺にとっちゃ雑念 フラッシュバック 振り返ずファック 過去、現実共に上手くやる
Flashbacks, collecting memories, vivid and strong for me, they're distractions, flashbacks, looking back and f*cking, the past and reality are both coping well.
あん時どうすればだとかしょうもないし、どうしようもないだから俺に要らないのさ 綺麗事ではなくて今しかない もうあと十数年先は短い
What should I do at that time? It doesn't make sense, and it's none of my business, so I don't need it. It's not a good thing. There is only now, and there are only a dozen years left.
過去にすがるな ナンセンス 後を濁すな 何遍重ねても完璧になんねえ 最前線ってやつは繊細で不安定 月が沈んだって太陽が待ってる
Don't dwell on the past, nonsense, don't muddy the future, no matter how many times you repeat it, you can't be perfect. The front line is delicate and unstable, even if the moon sets, the sun is waiting.
チックタック瞬く間ただ分かってるフリして今日も眠ろう 夢を見る おとぎ話なんかとは別物 夢を見る 現実味帯びた代物
Tick tock, in the blink of an eye, just pretending to understand, let's sleep again today, have a dream, it's different from a fairy tale, have a dream, it's realistic.
己の経験で培った物差し 酸いも甘いも両者お友達 大人になったから現実を語らう 理想の暮らし 組み立てるこの先
The yardstick of my own experience, both sweet and sour, are friends, as an adult, I talk about reality, and build my future life ideally.
Fuck back in the days 鮮明なイメージ 俺が目指す先なら上 何をヘタってんだまだまだ行ける
F*ck back in the days, vivid images, if it's where I'm going, what's the rush? I can still go.
Mother fuckin back in the days 巡る... 鮮明なイメージ 何をヘタってんだまだまだ行ける
Mother f*ckin back in the days, go around... vivid images, what's the rush? I can still go.

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