MDPC - Olas - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and English translation MDPC - Olas

Dēls, olas ir klāt!
Son, the eggs are here!
Vai tu esi gatavs?
Are you ready?
Naudas kaudzēm, brāl, tu zini manu stāstu
Stacks of money, bro, you know my story
Olas jau ir klāt, savu dāmu glāsta
Eggs are here, caressing my lady
Man ir viss, ko vajag, nāc man tuvāk, tu
I have everything I need, come closer, you
No rīta ēdīsim mēs putru ar moitu
We'll eat porridge with gruel in the morning
Sk, sk - tu dzirdi manu bumeru?
Listen - do you hear my Boomer?
Prr, prr - zvana prezidents, es neceļu
Brr, brr - The President is calling, I'm not picking up
Man vienalga, dzīvošu, gribēšu
I don't care, I'll live the way I want
Savu naudu es tērēšu un metīšu
Gonna spend and throw my money
Liec kalniņā blakām
Put it on the pile next to me
Olas jau ir augšā
Eggs are up
Dēls, start from the bottom, mazā
Son, start from the bottom, girl
Jā, tu zini, kas ir klāt?
Yeah, you know what's here?
Neliec lūdzu gaidīt, vari droši ātrāk sākt,
Don't make me wait, you can safely start faster, yeah
Olas ir spēks, olas ir masa
Eggs are strength, eggs are mass
Tava māsa man selfiju prasa
Your sister's asking me for a selfie
Tu redzi mani, tu izjūti to kaisli
You see me, you feel that passion
Mazā, gribi dejot? Dejo ar zvaigzni!
Babe, do you want to dance? Dance with a star!
Deju grīda paliek karsta un es jūtu to gan
The dance floor's getting hot and I'm feeling it too
Mazā arī paliek karsta un viņa saka man:
Baby's getting hot too and she's saying to me:
Tu gribi redzēt ķermeni manu?
You wanna see my body?
Piedod mazā, es dzīvoju ar mammu
Sorry babe, I live with my mom
Dzīvoju pie mammas
I live with my mom
45 kilogrami koka
45 kilos of wood
Bagāžniekā 17 dažādi stroķi
17 different dicks in the trunk
Saķerties ar mums, nav laba doma
Mess with us, it's not a good idea
Dzīvoju pie mammas!
I live with my mom!
Mana rīta kafija, es to samaisu ar aifonu
My morning coffee, I mix it with an iPhone
Tu man prasi, vai man vajag to?
You ask me if I need it?
Pārāk daudz naudas, pārāk mazs kauns
Too much money, too little shame
Es jūtos takā būtu tikko piedzimis no jauna
I feel like I was just born again
Olas atpakaļ spēlē -1 nakts, 5 pakas
Eggs back in the game -1 night, 5 packs
Mazā piena siera plakne droši blakus man sēdies
Small dairy cheese plane, feel free to sit next to me
Tūlīt atnesīs dzērienus
Drinks will be here soon
Acis spīd, tavs dekoltē tev tik glīts
Eyes sparkle, your cleavage is so pretty
Piesēdi klēpī, parunāsim par dzīvi
Sit on my lap, let's talk about life
Tu būsi mana īstā, pieskatīsi manu kumeļu
You'll be my soulmate, taking care of my colt
Es izvedīšu ārā pastaigāt ar savu bumeri
I'll take him out for a walk with my boomer
Bet pusdeviņos man jābūt, jāiet mājās gulēt
But I have to be home by half past eight
Jo dzīvoju pie mammas
Because I live with my mom
Man nav jātīra māja, viss ir spožs
I don't have to clean the house, everything is shiny
Man nav jāpērk ēdiens, jo man dod ēst
I don't have to buy food, because I'm being fed
Man nav jāmaksā komūnālie, jo es ...
I don't have to pay utilities, because I...
Dzīvoju pie mammas
Live with my mom

Writer(s): Wilber Polanco

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