Macanache - Surior - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Macanache - Surior

Bucata asta merge direct pentru surioara mea mai mică, Maria
This piece goes out to my little sister, Maria
E o piesa de inima albastra, de floare-n glastră
It's a song from the heart, a flower in a pot
Mă-ncearcă un sentiment şi daca e târziu,
I'm feeling a certain way, and if it's late,
Afară plouă permanent nu pot decât scriu
It's raining outside and all I can do is write
Aprind ţigara cu chibritul,
I light a cigarette with a match,
Parcă simt mai bine beat-ul
I feel the beat better
Auzi surioru, n-am mai vorbit de mult
Listen, sis, we haven't talked in a while
da orice acuma numa pot te-ascult
I'd give anything to hear your voice
simt ciudat de când ai plecat,
I've felt strange ever since you left,
Nu mai uit la ceas l-am stricat intenţionat,
I don't even look at the clock, I broke it on purpose
Oricât ar fi de greu printre străini zâmbeşti,
It may be hard to smile among strangers,
Sunt tot oameni şi maşini ca la Bucureşti
They're just people and cars, like in Bucharest
Din când în când mai beau o bere sa te linişteşti,
From time to time I have a beer to calm you down,
Io asta fac cand gandesc la tine,
That's what I do when I think about you,
Gândindu-ma surioru meu e sănătos şi-o duce bine
Thinking that my sister is healthy and doing well
Surioru, m-apuca doru
Sis, I miss you
Cand eşti departe de cei dragi ţi-ai pierdut umoru,
When you're far from your loved ones, you lose your sense of humor,
Asculta piesa asta până plânge difuzoru,
Listen to this song until the speaker cries,
Acum îţi cer ajutoru
Now I ask for your help
Eu am scris piesa dar tu eşti autoru
I wrote the song, but you're the author
Cand esti departe de cei dragi ţi-ai pierdut umoru,
When you're far from your loved ones, you lose your sense of humor,
Asculta piesa asta pan la capăt surioru,
Listen to this song until the end, sis,
Nu s-a schimbat decat decorul
The only thing that's changed is the scenery
A mai cazut un fulger, a bubuit un tunet
Another lightning strike, another clap of thunder
Mi-e dor de tine, aud mereu acelaşi sunet
I miss you, I can still hear the same sound
Am vorbit cu Anelise zilele trecute
I talked to Anelise the other day
A mai recuperat ceva din clipele pierdute
She's made some progress, recovering the lost moments
Câteva momente petrecute împreună
Moments we spent together,
Se transformă în monumente misterioase ca o lună
Becoming mysterious monuments like the moon
Cum îl ştii, după blocurile gri
You know him, with the gray buildings
Bea de plictiseala şi te-aşteaptă ca vii
He drinks out of boredom and waits for you to come back
Mama şi cu Ana vorbesc numa despre tine
Mom and Ana always talk about you
Te pupa şi Diana, iţi urează numa bine
Diana sends you kisses and wishes you all the best
Plouă marunt, şi bate vantu
It's drizzling and windy outside,
Daca putea, micşora Pământu
If I could, I'd shrink the Earth.
pot s-ajung la tine
So I could get to you
Mi-a rămas decât cuvântul
All I have left is my word,
De doru tau topesc încet de tot ca untu.
I'm slowly melting away like butter from missing you.
Cand eşti departe de cei dragi ţi-ai pierdut umoru,
When you're far from your loved ones, you lose your sense of humor,
Ascultă piesa asta până plânge difuzoru,
Listen to this song until the speaker cries,
Cine ştie ce-mi rezervă viitorul
Who knows what the future holds,
Să-mi spună când trece doru
To tell me when the longing will pass
Cand eşti departe de cei dragi ţi-ai pierdut umoru,
When you're far from your loved ones, you lose your sense of humor,
Ascultă piesa asta cum o cântă frăţioru
Listen to this song as your brother sings it
Nu s-a schimbat decât decorul (
The only thing that's changed is the scenery (

Writer(s): Bogdan Constantin Dinescu

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