Machete en Boca feat. Loren D - Esto Me Posee - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Machete en Boca feat. Loren D - Esto Me Posee

Esto Me Posee
This Possesses Me
Ah, ¿nos echabais de menos?
Ah, did you miss us?
Este par no abandonan el juego, ah
This pair isn't leaving the game, ah
No lo harán ni en los sueños de muchos
They won't even in the dreams of many
Esto me posee, loco
This possesses me, babe
Esto me posee, loco, es inhumano y no más que hacer
This possesses me, babe, it's inhumane and I don't know what else to do
Que poner la batuta en mi mano y poneros a todos en pie
But to put the baton in my hand and make you all stand up
En pocas barras, alcanza esta qualité, compadre
In a few bars, you reach this quality, buddy
Nuestra mierda huele siempre bien
Our shit always smells good
Esto me posee, loco, esto me posee
This possesses me, babe, this possesses me
A.K.A. Rap Metralla, acostúmbrate
A.K.A. Rap Shrapnel, get used to it
Siempre dando fire, allá donde esté
Always giving fire, wherever I am
No busques más nombre, solo acuérdate: la Prima y San
Don't look for another name, just remember: La Prima and San
Escupen veneno y no se van
They spit venom and don't leave
Muchos van de chulos, pero estas les dan gana así de: ¡pam!
Many play tough, but we give them an urge like: bam!
Escucha mi música
Listen to my music
No es apta para falsos, les quita el antifaz
It's not suitable for fakes, it takes away their mask
Dice, chupan del bote, pero no se atragantan
They say, suck from the pot, but don't choke
Hacen lo tuyo, suyo cual rata
They do yours, theirs like a rat
Y dicen: ¿Ah sí? ¿To' eso es pa mí?
And they say: Oh yeah? All that is for me?
Quiero mi porcentaje de tu hit
I want my percentage of your hit
Dándole fire a las barras, no hay quien nos coma
Giving fire to the bars, no one can eat us
Somos conscientes de que to' este flow nos sobra
We are aware that all this flow is too much for us
Querrán que entremos en su saco, pero que les jodan
They will want us to enter their bag, but fuck them
Lo tenemos claro, hacemos lo que toca (lo que toca)
We are clear, we do what it takes (what it takes)
Sin dar un paso atrás, siguiendo nuestra ley
Without taking a step back, following our law
Ley que no es el de más fuerte, ¿o qué coño os creéis?
Law that is not the strongest, or what the hell do you think?
Asimila que tienes delante a auténticas dos jefas
Assimilate that you have two authentic bosses in front of you
Que no miden na' por sexos y se ríen en tu puta face
Who don't measure anything by sex and laugh in your fucking face
Y no pasa na', no pretendemos que nos sigan
And nothing happens, we don't pretend that they follow us
Más que reales, jugamos ya en otra liga
More than real, we already play in another league
Haceros sabedores de que pesan nuestras migas
Let you know that our crumbs weigh
Y no podrán con ella, hormigas, digan lo que digan
And they won't be able to with it, ants, say what they say
Mi voz es pa na' más y pa ti, si quieres
My voice is for me and for you, if you want
De free pa pa ti, son caras mis redes
Free for me for you, my networks are expensive
Está claro que me cago en to' lo que tienes
It is clear that I shit on everything you have
(Está claro que me cago en to' lo que tienes)
(It is clear that I shit on everything you have)
Siempre dando fire, siem-siem-siempre dando fire
Always giving fire, al-al-always giving fire
A.K.A. Rap Metralla, A.K.A. Rap Metralla
A.K.A. Rap Shrapnel, A.K.A. Rap Shrapnel
No es apto para falsos, les quita el antifaz
It's not suitable for fakes, it takes away their mask
Escupen veneno y no se van, no se van
They spit venom and they don't leave, they don't leave
Hago lo que quiero pa ganarme mi sustento
I do what I want to earn my living
Cuento las personas que me quedan con los dedos
I count the people I have left with my fingers
Quieren convencerme, es ridículo el intento
They want to convince me, the attempt is ridiculous
La clave de to' es andarse sin rodeos
The key to everything is to walk around without detours
Escucho bien mi intuición pa entenderlo
I listen well to my intuition to understand it
Muchos quieren disponer, les falta el elemento
Many want to dispose, they lack the element
Cientos mienten y no miento, no quiero arrepentimiento
Hundreds lie and I don't lie, I don't want regret
Si me plantas una duda es más dura que un cimiento
If you plant a doubt in me, it's harder than a foundation
Vueltas da la vida me dijeron una vez
Life takes turns, they told me once
¿Quieres ser valiente? No te achantes, sigue en pie
Do you want to be brave? Don't settle, stay on your feet
Que la fuerza de tu cora permanece en él
That the strength of your heart remains in it
No dejes que se apague, así que préndele
Don't let it go out, so light it up
Vengo con machete a hacer cacho, es tu caché
I come with a machete to make a piece, it's your cache
Con la Mama San MGHP
With the Mama San MGHP
Cachetes te daba y lo sabes bien
I slapped you and you know it well
Déjate de tostadas, vuelve a darle al play
Stop with the toast, hit play again
Esta mierda huele siempre bien, siempre bien, siem-siempre bien
This shit always smells good, always good, al-always good
Teneros a todos en pie
Have you all on your feet
Ríen en tu puta face
They laugh in your fucking face
Ríen, ríen en tu puta face
They laugh, they laugh in your fucking face
Pero que les jodan
But fuck them
Pe-pe-pero, pero que les jodan
Bu-bu-but, but fuck them
Dicen: ¿Ah sí? ¿To' eso es pa mí?
They say: Oh yeah? All that is for me?
Quiero mi porcentaje de tu hit
I want my percentage of your hit
La Prima y San
La Prima and San
La Prima y San
La Prima and San
La Prima y San
La Prima and San

Writer(s): Lidia Rodríguez Fernández, Mario Beviar Oliver, Sandra Galán Hassan

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