Mag Lam feat. 陳健安 - 次元壁 x 在錯誤的宇宙尋找愛 - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Mag Lam feat. 陳健安 - 次元壁 x 在錯誤的宇宙尋找愛

次元壁 x 在錯誤的宇宙尋找愛
Interdimensional Wall x Searching for Love in the Wrong Universe
為了找到真愛 尋遍每粒沙
I've searched every grain of sand to find true love,
住進你的家 就為明白這叫 錯誤嗎
And I've moved into your home to understand if this is wrong,
求做對簡單的愛侶 與你歷其境 方知多可怕
I asked to become your simple lover, to travel with you, and to discover how terrifying it is.
沒法擺脫 俗套的分手戲碼
I can't escape these clichéd break-up scenes.
宇宙 (宇宙) 和宇宙 哪日接通
Universe (universe) and universe, when will we connect,
每夜 (每夜) 研究着 怎破壁闖進你時空
Every night (every night) I study how to break through the wall and enter your time and space.
宇宙 (宇宙) 如鏡像 並無盡頭這空間不可碰
Universe (universe) as a mirror image, with no end, this space cannot be touched,
仍想找一線天 同一個你在裡面 跟我可通信 (跟我可通信)
Yet I still want to find a glimmer of hope, the same you inside, so that we can communicate (so that we can communicate).
在這邊講你那邊可否聽見我 (你那邊可否聽見我)
On this side, are you able to hear me on the other side (are you able to hear me on the other side)?
平行在某次元某處是基因相配的我 (基因相配的我)
Parallel in some dimension, somewhere, there is a genetically compatible me (a genetically compatible me).
所以 別太早喜歡她 留力去愛我 (留力去愛我)
So, don't be in a hurry to love her, save your energy to love me (save your energy to love me),
才是你無憾那段探戈 (探戈)
Only then will your tango be without regrets (tango).
這宇宙 這種深情根本虛構 (根本虛構)
In this universe, such deep affection is simply a fabrication (simply a fabrication),
失了足 才會跌落你的地球 (跌落你的地球)
I lost my balance and fell to your Earth (fell to your Earth),
上天已難回去 我似被囚在你 那春秋
It is difficult to return to heaven, I seem to be imprisoned in your life, in your world,
這樣勇 試問你可能夠 (這樣勇 試問你可能夠)
I'm so brave, do you think you can be too (I'm so brave, do you think you can be too)?
冥冥之中的太空 (空)
In the depths of space (space),
你我之間像藏著某道大門 結局尚懸空 (某道大門 結局尚懸空)
You and I seem to be hiding a certain door between us, with an uncertain ending (a certain door, with an uncertain ending).
宇宙和宇宙 換頻道可會猛烈相碰 (這宇宙 這種深情根本虛構)
Universe and universe, if we change channels, will we collide violently (this universe, such deep affection is simply a fabrication)?
你跟我這刻雖有點孤單 不等於撲空
You and I may be a little lonely right now, but that doesn't mean we're missing out.
宇宙如鏡像 並無盡頭願一一走進
The universe is like a mirror image, with no end, I want to walk into each one,
不應該太早 停下來 原地叫寂寞 叫痛
We shouldn't stop too soon, and stay in the same place, calling out for loneliness, and feeling the pain.
去找我倆 時空
Let's find our time and space.

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