Majid Kharatha - Noghte Chin ... - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Majid Kharatha - Noghte Chin ...

Noghte Chin ...
Noghte Chin ...
حالا که تموم شد تو هم داری میری مبادا که دست کسی رو بگیری
Now that it's over, you're also leaving, don't take anyone's hand.
خدایا نگام کن درست تو چه وقتی پر از اشکم اما میخندم به سختی
Oh God, look at me, at what a time, I'm full of tears but I'm laughing with difficulty.
گلومو رها کن تو ای هق هق من میمردم برا اون نبود عاشق من
Let go of my throat, you who are my sob. I'd die for him, but he wasn't in love with me.
مبادا که عشقم تو قلبش بمیره میترسم که دست کسی رو بگیره
Don't let my love die in his heart, I'm afraid he'll take someone's hand.
بگین کاری این بار ازم برنیومد بگین کم اوردم یا صبرم سر اومد
Tell him that this time I couldn't do anything, tell him that I gave up or that my patience ran out.
بگین باز بیاد و به قلبم بشینه بگین جای اسمش هنوز نقطه چینه
Tell him to come back and sit in my heart, tell him that his name still has a period.
تو احساس من رو چه راحت ربودی اگر من شکستم مقصر تو بودی
You stole my feelings so easily. If I'm broken, it's your fault.
مگه من رو در حد مردن ندیدی تو دلخور نبودی چرا دل بریدی
Didn't you see me to the point of death? You weren't upset, why did you break my heart?
دلم روز و شب رو تو تنهایی سر کرد بگین که تموم دعاهاش اثر کرد
My heart spent day and night alone, tell him that all his prayers worked.
بگین اونو دست خدامون سپردم مقصر نبودم ولی پاشو خوردم
Tell him that I left him in God's hands. I wasn't guilty, but I tripped over his foot.
بگین خیلی وقته که صبرم سر اومد بگین کاری کرده که دادم دراومد
Tell him that my patience ran out a long time ago. Tell him that he did something that made me scream.
بگین خیسه اشکه همه تارو پودم بگین تا بدونه مقصر نبودم
Tell him that all my being is drenched in tears, tell him so that he knows that I wasn't guilty.
راستی الان عزیز من سرت رو شونه کیه صدای خنده های تو الان تو خونه ی کیه
By the way, right now, my darling, whose shoulder are you on? Whose house is your laughter in right now?
روزای خوب زندگیم تمومشون صرف تو شد
The good days of my life were all spent on you.
میگفتی راهمون جداست اخرش هم حرف تو شد
You said our paths were separate, in the end, it was your word.

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