Majself feat. Grizzly - Rolls Royce - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Majself feat. Grizzly - Rolls Royce

Rolls Royce
Rolls Royce
Ulicou prejdem jak Rolls Royce, hlava čistá koža
I cruise through the streets like a Rolls Royce, my head clear, skin fresh
Chcem kyslík, letím akokeby mám krídla v dave
I crave oxygen, flying as if I have wings in the crowd
Oči rolldorr, naozaj mimo kontroly fajn
Eyes like a rolldorr, truly out of control, it's fine
Realita pocitovo studená jak porno, v hlave iba otvorené okno
Reality feels cold like porn, only an open window in my head
Šlapem na pedále vrm vrm preč, prejsť cez celé mesto dnes môj terč
Stepping on the pedals vroom vroom, away, crossing the whole city is my target today
So mnou svorka mojich psov, počujem štekať ich reč
With my pack of dogs by my side, I hear their language barking
Pripravený resetovať ventil, ponoriť sa medzi vody veľrýb
Ready to reset the valve, dive among the whales
Keď ponorím sa medzi vody veľrýb, cítim sa byť v okamihu voľný hneď
When I dive among the whales, I instantly feel free
Miljujem stage, milujem mesto a milujem dej
I love the stage, I love the city, and I love the action
Milujem noc ako milujem deň, milujem hudbu jak miluje Fatte
I love the night like I love the day, I love music like Fatte loves it
Realita moj backstage, preto ju tu ku vám nosím na stage
Reality is my backstage, that's why I bring it here to you on stage
Rubín, oči, duša, srdce, všetko je to pokope je top liek
Ruby, eyes, soul, heart, everything together is the top remedy
Moj krok Grand Jeep Hummer, sebaistým nevadí weed v hlave
My stride is a Grand Jeep Hummer, confident, don't mind the weed in my head
Svietim v meste po ulici jak banner, útulný outfit oči jak flanel
I shine in the city on the streets like a banner, cozy outfit, eyes like flannel
Nejsom ladový chladný Fín, plný vín, lenivý vniímať to real
I'm not an icy cold Finn, full of wine, lazy to perceive reality
Mesto ma vybičuje v extrém, jazdím jak batman v tme
The city whips me to the extreme, I drive like batman in the dark
Keď prechdádzame mestom ako dym, dym dym
When we walk through the city like smoke, smoke, smoke
Idem vždy, jak Rolls Royce, jak Roll Royce
I always go like a Rolls Royce, like a Rolls Royce
Pedál dole, noha drží plyn, plyn, plyn
Pedal down, foot holding the gas, gas, gas
Idem vždy, jak Rolls Royce, jak Rolls Royce
I always go like a Rolls Royce, like a Rolls Royce
Netrápi ma čo mi povieš ty, ty, ty, ty
I don't care what you tell me, you, you, you
Idem vždy, jak Rolls Royce, jak Rolls Royce
I always go like a Rolls Royce, like a Rolls Royce
Nech pozerám ako sa pozerám nevidím nič, nič, nič
No matter how I look, I see nothing, nothing, nothing
Pedál dole hlave hore, hovorím poďme žiť
Pedal down, head up, I say let's live
Cez oči robím audit, motor čo je v kapote je Audi
I do an audit through my eyes, the engine under the hood is an Audi
Sledujem pit-stop jak farby, keď vyletím idem ako bandit
Watching the pit stop like colors, when I take off I go like a bandit
Duša čistá trávnik, je to klúč čo mi odomyká brány,
My soul is a clean lawn, it's the key that unlocks the gates for me,
Inštinkt overuje správy, v sebe klud kush dávam cheky známym
Instinct verifies messages, I keep calm, kush, giving checks to my acquaintances
Mám tvár jak Sparta, letím za tou nocou ako havran
My face is like Sparta, I fly towards the night like a raven
Zástavy za nami, pálime cannabis, rýchle rána potom drifty jak Araby
Flags behind us, we burn cannabis, quick shots then drifts like Arabs
S chalanmi, s babami, ideme to dať to za vami
With the boys, with the girls, let's go get it done
Pedál na podlahe, motor zvuk jak pán
Pedal to the floor, the engine sounds like a boss
Keby sa ti nelúbilo vyskoč, dám to vác ako Kryštof
If you don't like it, jump out, I'll give it more than Kryštof does
Aj keby stojím na tom stagy sám, bude to mať silu ako 300
Even if I stand on that stage alone, it will have the strength of 300
Puritánov pálim ako chilly, pičujú no mne je to tak štyri
I burn puritans like chili, they bitch but I don't give a damn
pochytaní v sieti ako ryby, ja v oceáne plávem ako Willy
They're caught in the net like fish, I swim in the ocean like Willy
Súdia ma tu takí, čo nemajú ani šajn, o tom ako vnútri mega motivuje hype
I'm judged by those who have no idea how the hype inside motivates me
Čo to znamená keď v rukách držím mic, synonymum, ktoré môžem povedať je raj
What it means when I hold the mic in my hands, a synonym I can say is paradise
Je to top keď sa teší blok, keď sa plní klub, keď je noc, keď to ide samo, vtedy nemám blok
It's the best when the block enjoys, when the club fills up, when it's night, when it goes by itself, then I have no block
Sloboda vďaka tomu plávam preč, tak poďte všetci so mnou...
Freedom thanks to that I swim away, so come with me everyone...
Keď prechdádzame mestom ako dym, dym dym
When we walk through the city like smoke, smoke, smoke
Idem vždy, jak Rolls Royce, jak Roll Royce
I always go like a Rolls Royce, like a Rolls Royce
Pedál dole, noha drží plyn, plyn, plyn
Pedal down, foot holding the gas, gas, gas
Idem vždy, jak Rolls Royce, jak Rolls Royce
I always go like a Rolls Royce, like a Rolls Royce
Netrápi ma čo mi povieš ty, ty, ty, ty
I don't care what you tell me, you, you, you
Idem vždy, jak Rolls Royce, jak Rolls Royce
I always go like a Rolls Royce, like a Rolls Royce
Nech pozerám ako sa pozerám nevidím nič, nič, nič
No matter how I look, I see nothing, nothing, nothing
Pedál dole hlave hore, hovorím poďme žiť
Pedal down, head up, I say let's live

Writer(s): Michael švehla, Milan Macko

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