Malique feat. Lah Ahmad - Cuba Lagi (Remastered) - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Malique feat. Lah Ahmad - Cuba Lagi (Remastered)

Cuba Lagi (Remastered)
Try Again (Remastered)
Satu dua tigadan empat
One, two, three, and four
Cuba berkali masih tak dapat
Try many times still cannot
Lupakan sakit segan dan penat
Forget the pain, reluctance, and fatigue
Nanti di puncak pasti terubat
Later at the peak, it will surely heal
Empat tiga duadan satu
Four, three, two, and one
Puncak yang betul aku di situ
The real peak is where I am
Adadah dekat ramai yang berbatu
Alas, there are many rocky places nearby
Cuba lagi dik ku tunggu
Try again, my dear, I'll wait
Ku cuba berkali-kali
I try many times
Masih tak menjadi-jadi
Still doesn't work
Tapi ku tak patah hati
But I don't give up
Tiap kali gagal aku cuba lagi
Every time I fail, I try again
Aku cuba lagi aku cubalagi
I try again, I try again
Hanya yang lemah kan lari
Only the weak will run away
Jadi lelaki dan cuba lagi
Be a man and try again
Nah bukan senang
Well, it's not easy
Hendak menang
To win
Apatah lagi jadi juara
Let alone become a champion
Nah bukan senangnak jadi bintang
Well, it's not easy to become a star
Apatah lagi jadi lagenda
Let alone become a legend
Aku tahu aku fasih
I know I'm fluent
Nombor satu yup aku masih
Number one, yes, I still am
Terima kasih seteru bersekutu
Thank you, my allies and enemies
Keranamu aku bertambah mutu
Because of you, I've improved my quality
Tetapi kebelakangan ini aku tepu
But lately, I'm saturated
Hampir beku ni buku lirik kosong nak berdebu
This lyric book is almost frozen, empty, and dusty
Hilang sengat hilang seri hilang seru hilang merdu
Lost the sting, lost the luster, lost the excitement, lost the melody
Matatutup kepala tertelungkup
Eyes closed, head bowed
Pintu dengar ketuk oh anak ku menjenguk
The door knocks, oh, my child is visiting
Papa jangan kerut dahi
Daddy, don't frown
Tukar niat baca Bismillah mesti jadi
Change your intention, read Bismillah, it will surely happen
Ku cubaberkali-kali
I try many times
Masih tak menjadi-jadi
Still doesn't work
Tapi ku tak patah hati
But I don't give up
Tiap kali gagal aku cuba lagi
Every time I fail, I try again
Aku cuba lagi aku cubalagi
I try again, I try again
Hanya yang lemah kan lari
Only the weak will run away
Jadi lelaki dan cuba lagi
Be a man and try again
Buat lagu hebat radio tak nak main
I make great songs, but the radio won't play them
Apaboleh buat buat lagu lain
What can I do? I'll make another song
Aku dengar sedap dia dengar lain
I think they're good, but they hear something else
Mungkin lepas menang AIM diamain
Maybe they'll play it after I win AIM
Jangan cari pasal kaji hujung pangkal
Don't look for trouble, study the beginning and the end
Buat lagi sampai tiada orang boleh sangkal
Keep making them until no one can deny it
Sampai orang kampung kata pakai tangkal
Until the villagers say you're using spells
Sampai gadis kota tidur tepuk bantal
Until the city girls sleep and pat their pillows
Sampai orang-orang gaji pun hafal
Until the salaried people memorize it
Tapi selagi tak berlaku tawakal
But as long as it doesn't happen, have faith
Gandausahabukan simpati
Double your efforts, not sympathy
Percaya besok lusa buat lagi
Believe in tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and keep doing it
Mereka tanya sampai mana
They ask, how far?
Yo nampak langit sampai sana
Yo, I see the sky up there
Tiada makna kalau tiada fakta
It's meaningless if there are no facts
Lihat carta situ ku diwarta
Look at the chart, I'm there
Ku cubaberkali-kali
I try many times
Masih tak menjadi-jadi
Still doesn't work
Tapi ku tak patah hati
But I don't give up
Tiap kali gagal aku cuba lagi
Every time I fail, I try again
Aku cuba lagi aku cubalagi
I try again, I try again
Hanya yang lemah kan lari
Only the weak will run away
Jadi lelaki dan cuba lagi
Be a man and try again
Ma kata ku pandai Pakataku kuat
My mother says I'm smart, my father says I'm strong
Jikalau cari jalan tak jumpaku buat
If you look for a way and can't find me, make it
Ke sini ke sana hanya satu garis lurus
This way and that is just one straight line
Jangan menoleh mana-mana jalan terus
Don't look back, just keep going
Ku bukan jenis suka omong kosong
I'm not the type to talk nonsense
Tolong dengar dik jangan bodoh sombong
Please listen, my dear, don't be foolish and arrogant
Lima ribu tahun atau lima saat
Five thousand years or five seconds
Kalau kita mahu kita dapat
If we want it, we can get it
Banyak laki berapa jati
There are many men, but how many are genuine?
Banyak janji berapa ditepati
There are many promises, but how many are kept?
Cuma dara sunti minta puji
Only virgins ask for praise
Anak jantan minta uji
Real men ask for proof
Lepas cakap besar tanam pokok
After talking big, plant a tree
Pasti belum boleh berteduh besok
Surely you can't shelter under it tomorrow
Dan kalau tak berbuah doa sehari lagi
And if it doesn't bear fruit, pray for another day
Tuah akan sampai dengan Taming Sari sekali
Luck will come with Taming Sari once
Ku cubaberkali-kali
I try many times
Masih tak menjadi-jadi
Still doesn't work
Tapi ku tak patah hati
But I don't give up
Tiap kali gagal aku cuba lagi
Every time I fail, I try again
Aku cuba lagi aku cubalagi
I try again, I try again
Hanya yang lemah kan lari
Only the weak will run away
Jadi lelaki dan cuba lagi
Be a man and try again

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