Manu Guix - Crido - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Manu Guix - Crido

I Shout
No m′agrada que la vida ja no sigui divertida
I don't like that life is no longer fun
Ni per un moment, un moment, no
Not even for a moment, a moment, no
No m'agrada que la gent em faci creure una mentida
I don't like people making me believe a lie
Anem malament, molt malament, no
We're doing badly, very badly, no
Miro al meu voltant
I look around me
I no hi ha ningú que em doni respostes
And there's no one to give me answers
Seguiré esperant
I will keep waiting
Sóc jove i no em falta força
I'm young and I'm not lacking strength
No m′agrada que m'alarmin de manera innecesària
I don't like being alarmed unnecessarily
Jo ho veig diferent, molt diferent, no
I see it differently, very differently, no
No m'agrada que m′enganyin, no m′empasso la pregària
I don't like being deceived, I don't buy the prayer
Malauradament no sóc creient, no
Unfortunately I'm not a believer, no
Miro al meu voltant
I look around me
Però sembla que a la gent no li importa
But it seems like people don't care
Seguiré lluitant
I will keep fighting
Sóc jove i no em falta força
I'm young and I'm not lacking strength
Crido, seré pesat pesat però jo no me'n oblido
I shout, I'll be annoying but I won't forget
Vull que se′m senti des d'aquí
I want to be heard from here
Miro i malauradament mentre respiro
I look and unfortunately while I breathe
Ningú no mourà mai un dit
No one will ever lift a finger
Sempre si et tanquen portes s′obre una finestra
There's always a window that opens if doors are closed
O això és el que havia sentit
Or that's what I had heard
Sento que he arribat a un punt que només depèn de mi
I feel like I've reached a point where it only depends on me
No m'agraden els que manen, al final sempre la caguen
I don't like those in charge, in the end they always screw up
No hi ha res a fer, res a fer, no
There's nothing to do, nothing to do, no
No m′agraden els que callen ni tempoc els que s'espanten
I don't like those who are silent nor those who are scared
Així no anem bé, no anem bé, no
We're not doing well like this, we're not doing well, no
Miro al meu voltant
I look around me
Passa el temps i aquí ningú reacciona
Time passes and no one here reacts
Seguiré lluitant
I will keep fighting
Des de Barcelona!
From Barcelona!
Crido, seré pesat pesat però jo no me'n oblido
I shout, I'll be annoying but I won't forget
Vull que se′m senti des d′aquí
I want to be heard from here
Miro i malauradament mentre respiro
I look and unfortunately while I breathe
Ningú no mourà mai un dit
No one will ever lift a finger
Sempre si et tanquen portes s'obre una finestra
There's always a window that opens if doors are closed
O això és el que havia sentit
Or that's what I had heard
Sento que he arribat a un punt que només depèn de mi
I feel like I've reached a point where it only depends on me
Ja et dic que crido, seré pesat pesat però jo no me′n oblido
I tell you I shout, I'll be annoying but I won't forget
Vull que se'm senti des d′aquí
I want to be heard from here
Miro i malauradament mentre respiro
I look and unfortunately while I breathe
Ningú no mourà mai un dit
No one will ever lift a finger
Sempre si et tanquen portes s'obre una finestra
There's always a window that opens if doors are closed
O això és el que havia sentit
Or that's what I had heard
Sento que he arribat a un punt que només depèn de mi
I feel like I've reached a point where it only depends on me
I ai mira Manu, a mi el que no m′agrada és que no es pugui ballar una sardana catalana ben juntets, agafadets, com si fos una lambada amb la faldilla arran de gespa i el bolet entre les cames. Tampoc m'agrada que no es pugui dir "joder", que passa, que hem de dir, batua l'olla, casum ronda, boterut, n′hi ha per llogar-hi cadires, bona nit malparits passo del rock amb Ferrussola!
And hey look Manu, what I don't like is that you can't dance a Catalan sardana closely together, holding each other, like a lambada with your skirt at the edge of the grass and the mushroom between your legs. I also don't like that you can't say "joder", what's up, what do we have to say, batua l'olla, casum ronda, boterut, n'hi ha per llogar-hi cadires, good night bastards I'm over rock with Ferrussola!
Crido, seré pesat pesat però jo no me′n oblido
I shout, I'll be annoying but I won't forget
(Mira Manu com crido)
(Look Manu how I shout)
Miro i malauradament mentre respiro
I look and unfortunately while I breathe
(És Facto i Manu Guix)
(It's Facto and Manu Guix)
Sempre si et tanquen portes s'obre una finestra
There's always a window that opens if doors are closed
(Manu Guix no, és Manu Flix)
(Manu Guix no, it's Manu Flix)
Sento que he arribat a un punt que només depèn de mi
I feel like I've reached a point where it only depends on me
Ja et dic que crido, seré pesat pesat però jo no me′n oblido
I tell you I shout, I'll be annoying but I won't forget
Vull que se'm senti des d′aquí
I want to be heard from here
Miro i malauradament mentre respiro
I look and unfortunately while I breathe
Ningú no mourà mai un dit
No one will ever lift a finger
Sempre si et tanquen portes s'obre una finestra
There's always a window that opens if doors are closed
O això és el que havia sentit
Or that's what I had heard
Sento que he arribat a un punt que només depèn de mi
I feel like I've reached a point where it only depends on me

Writer(s): Manu Guix, Marc Barrachina

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