Marcos Vidal - Es Mi Hermano - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Marcos Vidal - Es Mi Hermano

Es Mi Hermano
He's My Brother
Cierto que me a herido
It's true he wounded me,
Aquel que era mi amigo
He who was my friend.
Es cierto que a caído en lo mas bajo
It's true he's fallen to the lowest point,
No sirven las excusas los hechos le delatan
Excuses are useless; the facts denounce him.
Y aun me esta sangrando el corazón
And my heart still bleeds,
Y aunque prefiero no verle
And although I'd rather not see him,
Por un tiempo prudencial
For a prudent time,
Aunque me duelen los ojos
Although my eyes ache
De tanto llorar, siento en mi corazón
From so much weeping, I feel in my heart
El magnetismo que sigue arrostrándome hacia el
The magnetism that still draws me to him.
Si miro desde la cruz
If I look from the cross,
Es mi hermano, es mi hermano
He's my brother, he's my brother,
Comprado con la misma sangre que yo
Bought with the same blood as me.
Es mi hermano, es mi hermano
He's my brother, he's my brother,
Comprado con la misma sangre que yo
Bought with the same blood as me.
Se abrieron los portones entro la luz del día
The gates opened wide, and the light of day entered,
Y el aire fue una brisa perfumada
And the air was a fragrant breeze.
Mis manos se elevaron mis ojos sonrieron
My hands lifted, my eyes smiled,
Mi deuda avía sido perdonada
My debt had been forgiven.
Y comprendí que es mas grande la fuerza o el amor
And I understood that the strength or love is greater
Que la venganza o el odio que el miedo o el rencor
Than revenge or hatred, than fear or resentment.
Que siempre triunfara la misericordia al juicio
That mercy will always triumph over judgment,
Dándole al perdón una nueva oportunidad
Giving forgiveness a new opportunity.
Hay tiempo de alegría, hay tiempo de llorar
There's a time for joy, there's a time for weeping,
Hay tiempo de cosecha, hay tiempo de sembrar
There's a time for harvest, there's a time for sowing.
Hay tiempo de silencio hay tiempo para hablar
There's a time for silence, there's a time for speaking,
Hay tiempo de tirarse al ruedo hay tiempo de esperar
There's a time to throw oneself into the fray, there's a time to wait.
Siempre habrá un momento idóneo un tiempo una ocasión
There will always be an ideal moment, a time, an occasion
Para tender la mano y perdonar a mi opresor.
To reach out a hand and forgive my oppressor.
Es mi hermano, es mi hermano //
He's my brother, he's my brother //
Comprado con la misma sangre que yo //BIS
Bought with the same blood as me //TWICE
Es mi hermano, es mi hermano //
He's my brother, he's my brother //
Comprado con la misma sangre que yo
Bought with the same blood as me

Writer(s): Vidal Roloff Marcos

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