Maria Dragomiroiu - Dacă aș putea citi gîndul - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Maria Dragomiroiu - Dacă aș putea citi gîndul

Dacă aș putea citi gîndul
If I Could Read Your Mind
Draga mea muzica, nu vrei sa afli ce-am pe suflet?
My dear music, don't you want to know what's on my soul?
Cate lupte se dau in mine, fara s-auzi un urlet
So many battles rage inside me, without a single roar
Cum trag pentru noi, cum ii infrunt pe toti
How I fight for us, how I face them all
Nu vezi, nu ne-nteleg, ca nu e viata-ntre roboti
You don't see, they don't understand, life isn't lived among robots
Facuti unu' pentru altu' fara nimic de-acuns
Made for each other, with nothing to hide
Un regret mai am: ca n-am apucat sa te studiez de-ajuns
One regret I have: that I didn't get to study you enough
Te-am cunoscut timid, tu mi-ai intins mana
I met you timidly, you reached out to me
Si te-am dorit atat de mult incat sa te fac a mea
And I desired you so much, I had to make you mine
Dac-as putea ti-as arata cum treci prin vena
If I could, I'd show you how you flow through my veins
Sau cum ne hranim din public amandoi pe scena
Or how we both feed off the audience on stage
Cat e de simpla viata cand noi suntem pe bune
How simple life is when we're being real
Cate amintiri, cate placeri, cate nopti nebune
So many memories, so many pleasures, so many crazy nights
Dac-as putea te-as da doar cui te simte
If I could, I'd only give you to someone who feels you
Sa umbli goala, te-as imbraca-n cuvinte
To walk naked, I'd clothe you in words
Noi, muritori, ea e demult pe-aici, copile Sper sa ne tina de mana, cat tmp mai avem zile
We, mortals, she's been here for a long time, child I hope she holds our hand, as long as we have days
Dac-as putea da in chirie Dragostea mea pentru tine
If I could rent out My love for you
Iubito, de cand te iubesc pe tine Deveneam milionar Dar am ajuns boschetar
Darling, since I've loved you I'd become a millionaire But I ended up a beggar
Iubito, de cand te iubesc pe tine Iubito, de cand te iubesc, stii bine...
Darling, since I've loved you Darling, since I've loved you, you know well...
Mon amour jur c-o sa te fur Nu e plagiat, e doar rap e, hip-hop pur
Mon amour, I swear I'll steal you It's not plagiarism, it's just rap, pure hip-hop
Nu te injur, nu te insel, nu-i destul Sunt prea beat de fericire sa fentez etilo-testul
I don't insult you, I don't cheat, isn't that enough I'm too drunk on happiness to dodge the breathalyzer
E atata poezie in tot ce ne inconjoara
There's so much poetry in everything around us
Ca sunt in stare acum sa te cer a doua oara
That I'm ready to ask you again, a second time
Poti sa-mi fie sotie, amanta sau iubita Oricum tu poti sa fii orice, esti atat de diferita
You can be my wife, mistress, or lover Either way, you can be anything, you're so different
Dac-as putea as face orice sa nu se intample
If I could, I'd do anything to prevent it from happening
Sa fiu surd, sa nu te aud, tu pune-mi un pistol la tample
To be deaf, not to hear you, just put a gun to my temple
Nu vor s-asculte, atunci ramanem doar noi doi
They don't want to listen, so we're left just the two of us
Fara secrete, in asternuturi moi ramanem goi
Without secrets, in soft sheets, we remain naked
Dac-as putea ti-as spune chill, n-o sa murim saraci
If I could, I'd tell you to chill, we won't die poor
Iubito, nu te panica, n-o sa te pun sa te dezbraci
Darling, don't panic, I won't make you undress
In fata lor, imi placi la fel de mult, indiferent ce faci
In front of them, I like you just as much, no matter what you do
Balansu' tau pe bpm-ul asta lent ma baga in draci
Your swaying to this slow bpm drives me crazy
Dac-as putea da in chirie Dragostea mea pentru tine
If I could rent out My love for you
Iubito, de cand te iubesc pe tine Deveneam milionar Dar am ajuns boschetar
Darling, since I've loved you I'd become a millionaire But I ended up a beggar
Iubito, de cand te iubesc pe tine Iubito, de cand te iubesc, stii bine...
Darling, since I've loved you Darling, since I've loved you, you know well...
Nu stiu ce-as fi facut daca n-ai fi existat
I don't know what I'd have done if you hadn't existed
Nu cred ca eram in stare sa te fii inventat
I don't think I'd have been able to invent you
Te-am luat sa te cresc ca pe-o sora mai mica
I took you to raise you like a younger sister
Si-nca te iubesc la fel ca-n prima clipa
And I still love you the same as in the first moment
Ai mei te-au acceptat exact asa cum esti Frumoasa cand esti trista, frumoasa cand zambesti
My family accepted you exactly as you are Beautiful when you're sad, beautiful when you smile
Atatea sentimente, ce tresariri, trairi
So many feelings, what tremors, experiences
Si tot mai am momente cand te sorb din priviri
And I still have moments when I drink you in with my eyes
Dac-as putea te-as interzice multora
If I could, I'd forbid you to many
Care te-au pacalit doar pentru buzunare doldora
Who deceived you only for their overflowing pockets
Te-au copiat, te-au folosit sau te-au dat cu-mprumut
They copied you, used you, or lent you out
Si te-au aruncat instant atunci cand n-ai vandut
And threw you away instantly when you didn't sell
Dac-as putea nu ti-as da drumu' niciodata Tu sa-mi promiti ca ne-ntalnim si pe lumea cealalta
If I could, I'd never let you go Promise me we'll meet in the next world too
O alta viata singur chiar pura cruditate
Another life alone is pure cruelty
Cand o simpla zi fara tine pare o eternitate
When a single day without you seems like an eternity
Dac-as putea da in chirie Dragostea mea pentru tine
If I could rent out My love for you
Iubito, de cand te iubesc pe tine Deveneam milionar Dar am ajuns boschetar
Darling, since I've loved you I'd become a millionaire But I ended up a beggar
Iubito, de cand te iubesc pe tine Iubito, de cand te iubesc, stii bine...
Darling, since I've loved you Darling, since I've loved you, you know well...

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