Marius Moga feat. Shift & What's Up - Mă Doare La Bass (feat. Shift & What's Up) - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Marius Moga feat. Shift & What's Up - Mă Doare La Bass (feat. Shift & What's Up)

Mă Doare La Bass (feat. Shift & What's Up)
My Bass Hurts (feat. Shift & What's Up)
Lumea zice ca tre′ sa ma las
They say I should give it up, my love
Sa pun deoparte, sa cumpar o cas'
To settle down, and buy a house, my dove
Eu n-am timp, dar la restul sunt ceas
I've got no time for that, but for everything else I'm on the clock
Ghici ce, ce ma doare la bass
Guess what, my bass hurts
Zic unii ca cica m-am ars
Some say I'm burnt out, my dear
Fac loc pe ringul de dans
I'm making room on the dance floor, my dear
N-am stil, dar la fete sunt as
I may not have style, but with the ladies I'm a pro
Ghici ce ma doare la bass
Guess what, my bass hurts
Nu ma doare iubirea
Love doesn't hurt me
Nu ma pierd eu cu firea
I don't lose my temper
Am ignorat nesimtirea
I've ignored the insults
Si ma doare la bass
And my bass hurts
Nu ma doare chitara
Guitar doesn't hurt me
Nu ma doare vioara
Violin doesn't hurt me
Nici iarna, nici vara
Neither winter nor summer
Hm, ma doare la bass
Hmm, my bass hurts
Ma doare la bass
My bass hurts
Ma doare la bass
My bass hurts
Ma doare la bass
My bass hurts
Ma doare la bass
My bass hurts
Mama zicea, ia-ti o mireasa
My mother said, find yourself a bride
Vreau nepoti s-alerge prin casa
I want grandchildren running through the house with pride
Nu ma grabi, vreau sa ma bucur de viata
I'm not in a hurry, I want to enjoy life
Ghici ce, ce ma doare la bass
Guess what, my bass hurts
Tata zicea, cu mine te-ai ras
My father said, you've made a laughingstock of me
Ia-ti job, pune ceva pe masa
Get a job, put something on the table for my family
Eu n-am boss, frate
I don't have a boss, bro
′S liber ca pasarea cerului
I'm free as a bird in the sky
Ma doare la bass
My bass hurts
Nu ma doare iubirea
Love doesn't hurt me
Nu ma pierd eu cu firea
I don't lose my temper
Am ignorat nesimtirea
I've ignored the insults
Si ma doare la bass
And my bass hurts
Nu ma doare chitara
Guitar doesn't hurt me
Nu ma doare vioara
Violin doesn't hurt me
Nici iarna, nici vara
Neither winter nor summer
Ma doare la bass
My bass hurts
Cine, yo, nu caut scandal
Yo, I'm not looking for trouble
Dar ma bucur de viata
But I'm enjoying life
Ca sunt sau nu sunt pe val
Whether or not I'm on a roll
Nu e totul despre bani
It's not all about money
Nu e totul despre faima
It's not all about fame
Sau despre taka taka taka, hai ma
Or about taka taka taka, come on
Viata nu e alb-negru, viata e roza
Life isn't black and white, life is pink
Si-n drumul spre succes
And on the road to success
Nu uit sa fac cate o poza
I don't forget to take a picture
Click, click, bam, o pun pe instagram
Click, click, bam, I put it on Instagram
Eu nu tin cont de ora
I don't pay attention to the time
Nu lucrez la program
I don't work a regular schedule
Cand se petrece, se petrece
When it happens, it happens
Cand muncesc, muncesc cat zece
When I work, I work as hard as ten men
Nu las visele sa plece
I don't let my dreams go
Nu ma-mbat cu apa rece
I don't get drunk on water
Pe hateri ii respect
I respect the haters
E dreptul lor sa ma incerce
They have a right to try me
Am invatat in viata
I've learned in life
Cainii latra, ursul trece
Dogs bark, bears walk
Nu ma doare iubirea
Love doesn't hurt me
Nu ma pierd eu cu firea
I don't lose my temper
Am ignorat nesimtirea
I've ignored the insults
Nu ma doare chitara
Guitar doesn't hurt me
Nu ma doare vioara
Violin doesn't hurt me
Nici iarna, nici vara
Neither winter nor summer
Ma doare la bass
My bass hurts
Ma doare la bass
My bass hurts
Ma doare la bass
My bass hurts
Ma doare la bass
My bass hurts
Ma doare la bass
My bass hurts
Nu ma doare iubirea
Love doesn't hurt me
Nu ma pierd eu cu firea
I don't lose my temper
Am ignorat nesimtirea
I've ignored the insults
Nu ma doare chitara
Guitar doesn't hurt me
Nu ma doare vioara
Violin doesn't hurt me
Nici iarna, nici vara
Neither winter nor summer
Ghici ma doare la bas
Guess my bass hurts

Writer(s): Marius Ioan Moga, Alexandru Florin Cotoi, Marius Marian Ivancea, George Dorin Hora, Gabriel Mihai Istrate, Vizi Imre

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