Marko Perković Thompson - Bosna - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Marko Perković Thompson - Bosna

Pjesmo moja, pjevat ću te tamo
My song, I will sing you there
Tamo gdje je naša loza počela
There where our lineage began
Staroj majci kolijevci Hrvata
To the old mother, the cradle of Croats
Gdje se nasa povijest krvlju pisala
Where our history was written in blood
Istina o Bosni kroz kanjone teče
The truth about Bosnia flows through canyons
I mnoge njene tajne kriju stoljeća
And centuries hide many of her secrets
Od davnina na nju svak' juriša
Since ancient times, everyone attacks her
K'o da nije dosta snjegova i kiša
As if there wasn't enough snow and rain
Sa svih strana svijeta dolazile tvrde sile mraka
From all corners of the world came the harsh forces of darkness
K'o da narod tamo gine iz meraka
As if people there die for pleasure
Jučer svetinja, danas raspeta
Yesterday a sanctuary, today crucified
Bosna ponosna, ranjena
Bosnia proud, wounded
Tamo gdje sunce putuje
There where the sun travels
Vjetar nosi glas, Bosna zove nas
The wind carries the voice, Bosnia calls us
Tamo gdje sunce putuje
There where the sun travels
Tu me čekaj ti, stara ljubavi
There you wait for me, old love
Kreni preko planina, starom stazom djedova
Go over the mountains, on the old path of our grandfathers
Bosna će ti reći sve, odakle nam prezime
Bosnia will tell you everything, where our surname comes from
Gledaj lijepu Lašvansku dolinu
Look at the beautiful Lašva Valley
Uvijek su je naša zvona budila
Our bells have always awakened her
Zlatna polja, našu Posavinu
Golden fields, our Posavina
Grobovi su puni njenih sinova
The graves are full of her sons
Sa svih strana svijeta dolazile tvrde sile mraka
From all corners of the world came the harsh forces of darkness
K'o da narod tamo gine iz meraka
As if people there die for pleasure
Jučer svetinja, danas raspeta
Yesterday a sanctuary, today crucified
Bosna ponosna, ranjena
Bosnia proud, wounded
Tamo gdje sunce putuje
There where the sun travels
Vjetar nosi glas, Bosna zove nas
The wind carries the voice, Bosnia calls us
Tamo gdje sunce putuje
There where the sun travels
Tu me čekaj ti, stara ljubavi
There you wait for me, old love
Kreni preko planina, starom stazom djedova
Go over the mountains, on the old path of our grandfathers
Bosna će ti reći sve, odakle nam prezime
Bosnia will tell you everything, where our surname comes from
Gledaj lijepu Lašvansku dolinu
Look at the beautiful Lašva Valley
Uvijek su je naša zvona budila
Our bells have always awakened her
Zlatna polja, našu Posavinu
Golden fields, our Posavina
Grobovi su puni njenih sinova
The graves are full of her sons
Dala Bosna Tomislava kralja
Bosnia gave King Tomislav
Prvog kralja od loze Hrvata
The first king of the Croatian lineage
A kraljica dobra bješe Katarina
And the good queen was Katarina
U narodu zbog nje nosi se crnina
Because of her, the people wear mourning
Sred Duvanjskog polja široka i ravna
In the middle of the Duvanjsko field, wide and flat
Pisala se naša povijest slavna
Our glorious history was written
Kada Bosni pogledaš u lice
When you look Bosnia in the face
U suzi joj vidiš drinske mučenice
In her tears you see the Drina martyrs
Čuvali te, Bosno, usamljeni vuci
Lonely wolves guarded you, Bosnia
Slavio ih narod, zvali se hajduci
The people celebrated them, they were called hajduks
A Srebrnu Bosnu sačuvaše vjerom
And they saved Srebrna Bosna with faith
Franjevačka braća i dušom i tijelom
The Franciscan brothers with their soul and body
Bosno moja, čija li si sada
My Bosnia, whose are you now
Boli li te danas više nego prije
Does it hurt you more today than before
Tko to misli da te ima, da sa tobom vlada
Whoever thinks he has you, that he rules you
Njega povijest ništa naučila nije
History has taught him nothing
Jučer svetinja, danas raspeta
Yesterday a sanctuary, today crucified
Bosna ponosna, ranjena
Bosnia proud, wounded
Tamo gdje sunce putuje
There where the sun travels
Vjetar nosi glas, Bosna zove nas
The wind carries the voice, Bosnia calls us
Tamo gdje sunce putuje
There where the sun travels
Tu me čekaj ti, stara ljubavi
There you wait for me, old love
Tamo gdje sunce putuje
There where the sun travels
Vjetar nosi glas, Bosna zove nas
The wind carries the voice, Bosnia calls us
Tamo gdje sunce putuje
There where the sun travels
Tu me čekaj ti, stara ljubavi
There you wait for me, old love
Kreni preko planina, starom stazom djedova
Go over the mountains, on the old path of our grandfathers
Bosna će ti reći sve, odakle nam prezime
Bosnia will tell you everything, where our surname comes from

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