Marpo feat. Ektor - Mladá Krev - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Marpo feat. Ektor - Mladá Krev

Mladá Krev
Young Blood
A seru na ty lidi co se mi teď pořád dvoří
Yo, I'm sick of these people who are all over me now
Před lety se mnou měli problém vlízt do stejnejch dveří
A few years ago, they wouldn't even let us in the same door
A nebyl mezi nima nikdo kdo nám kdo nám věří věří
And there was no one among them who believed in us, who believed in us
že přijde jednou člověk co to od základu zboří (blááu)
That one day a man would come and destroy it all (blaaah)
Jsme generací co žije tak rychle a umírá pomalu
We are the generation that lives so fast and dies so slowly
Všichni si meříte účty jak péra kdo si tu pólí kdo tu po málu
You all are settling scores like feathers, who's got the most, who's at the bottom
Doma pak sedíte histerky zkurvený nadělaj hroznýho kraválu
Then you sit at home, you fucking hysterical, making a big fuss
Záviděj mi že zabezpečim rodinu talentem bez útrap velkýho skandálu.
Envious of me, that I can support my family with my talent without the drama of a big scandal.
Zavři to do sebe točit se vokolo stejnýho téma (téma)
Shut the fuck up with this spinning around the same topic (topic)
Musíš to pochopit protože v Sasazu na stage stoji jen tréma (oh shit)
You have to understand because in Sasazu, on stage, there's only trembling (oh shit)
Jenom to vysvětlit, vymyslet, přerušit kompletně celý to schéma
Just to explain it, figure it out, break the whole scheme completely
Po Čechách vyprodat klubový prostory včera jsme byli jen nulový jména
To sell out club venues all over the Czech Republic, yesterday we were just nobodies
Nemám nárok, slyšim ty kecy jak tohle je závod (závodit nechci)
I don't have the right, I hear the crap about how this is a race (I don't want to race)
A ty tvoje rady mám tag heuer na ruce fakt nemam čas na tvoji ubohou lekci
And your advice, I have a Tag Heuer on my wrist, I really don't have time for your pathetic lesson
A je to fakt k pláči všechny ty košťata wannabe rváči
And it's really sad, all these wannabe trash talkers
Udělaj deset s debilním pocitem že jsou to přehnaně veliký hráči.
They make ten with a stupid feeling that they are exaggeratedly great players.
I když nám neni zrovna dvacet a máme něco za sebou a ve hře felíme trochu dýl
Even though we're not exactly twenty anymore and we've already been through some things and we've been in the game a little longer
Furt je tam tendence to hrát podle vlastních pravidel a to byl od začátku jedinej cíl...
There is still that tendency to play it by our own rules and that was the only goal from the beginning...
V žilách mladá krev
Young blood in our veins
Dávej bacha na ty dva
Watch out for those two
V žilách mladá krev
Young blood in our veins
Ignorujou pravidla
They ignore the rules
V žilách mladá krev
Young blood in our veins
Od začátku pod lupou stresujou ty kluky od dob co to vzali do rukou
Under scrutiny from the beginning, stressing those guys out from the time they took it up
V žilách mladá krev
Young blood in our veins
Dáme gram, berem kilo, dáme kilo, berem tunu
We'll give you a gram, we'll take a kilo, we'll give you a kilo, we'll take a ton
žijem rap, kára, stage, hotel, postel, pohřeb v klubu
We live rap, car, stage, hotel, bed, funeral in the club
Máme rádi svoji práci, přesně proto máme feedback
We love our work, that's why we have feedback
Chtěl bys tu hoe? máme show, stačí koupit ten lístek
You want that hoe? We have a show, just buy that ticket
Bude to top ale víš co, neber ji zase tak blízko
It'll be top, but you know what, don't take her too close
Drinky, bimby, minuta, hodina najednou mi dáva číslo
Drinks, bimbos, a minute, an hour, suddenly she gives me her number
Chtěla by zažít tu jízdu, miluje rovnej přístup, znáš
She wanted to experience that ride, she loves a straightforward approach, you know me
Posedlý hovado beru ty kozy jak výzvu . jako vážně?
Obsessed asshole, I take those tits as a challenge. Really?
Kámo sorry dávno myslím na víkend
Dude, sorry, I've been thinking about the weekend for a long time
Party, osudy, hovada, hromady vodky všude kam přijdem
Parties, fates, assholes, piles of vodka everywhere we go
Výsměch, pro malý klauny co nám nepřejou ten příběh
Ridicule, for little clowns who don't wish us the story
Víc těch, co maj v plánu na majku znamenat víc než
More of those who plan to mean more to mom than
Další chodící pokusy o rap, kokoti bude to bolet.
Other walking attempts at rap, idiots, it's going to hurt.
Sorry ty roboty nemůžu pátky soboty, debile hoří mi mozek
Sorry, you guys aren't robots, Friday, Saturday, you idiot, my brain is on fire
Seru na kárný komise rapu žádný hranice nebo se pletu?
I shit on the rules of rap, no boundaries, or am I wrong?
Nástup na stage jenom řev, hrdý zmrdi, mladá krev!
Entrance to the stage, just roar, proud assholes, young blood!
I když nám neni zrovna dvacet a máme něco za sebou a ve hře felíme trochu dýl
Even though we're not exactly twenty anymore and we've already been through some things and we've been in the game a little longer
Furt je tam tendence to hrát podle vlastních pravidel a to byl od začátku jedinej cíl.
There is still that tendency to play it by our own rules and that was the only goal from the beginning.
V žilách mladá krev
Young blood in our veins
Dávej bacha na ty dva
Watch out for those two
V žilách mladá krev
Young blood in our veins
Ignorujou pravidla
They ignore the rules
V žilách mladá krev
Young blood in our veins
Od začátku pod lupou stresujou ty kluky od dob co to vzali do rukou
Under scrutiny from the beginning, stressing those guys out from the time they took it up
V žilách mladá krev
Young blood in our veins

Writer(s): Marpo

Marpo feat. Ektor - Mladá Krev
Mladá Krev
date of release

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