Marty McKay - Schwiz wach uf! - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Marty McKay - Schwiz wach uf!

Schwiz wach uf!
Switzerland, Wake Up!
Schwiz wach uf
Switzerland, wake up
Schwiz stahn uf
Switzerland, stand up
Schwiz wach uf
Switzerland, wake up
Schwiz stahn uf
Switzerland, stand up
Euses Land wird regiert vo machtgeile korrupte Landesverräter
Our country is ruled by power-hungry corrupt traitors
Psychopathischi Panikmacher, nei kei Wohltäter
Psychopathic panic mongers, no benefactors
Krise werded ghändlet uf de Stufe vome unfähige Primarschüeler
Crises are being handled at the level of incompetent elementary school students
Eusi weltfremde Politiker sind Zahlebiger mit Starallüre
Our unworldly politicians are social climbers with star appeal
Es längt mit däre Willkür und em totalitäre Spiel
Enough with this arbitrariness and this totalitarian game
Bevormundig vo falsche Prophete, nur für eigene Ziel
Patronization by false prophets, only for their own goals
Unbewaffnet sobalds um de gsundi Menscheverstand gaht
Unarmed as soon as it comes to common sense
Es Eklat, wenn immer no nüt hinterfrögsch isch es z'spaht
A debacle, if nothing is questioned anymore it's too late
Me Angst vonäre Buess als vome überfüllte Spital
More afraid of a fine than of an overcrowded hospital
So absurd wiä s'vernichte vom Bewismaterial vom Berset sim Sex Skandal
As absurd as the destruction of evidence from Berset's sex scandal
Inäre ächte Krise wür mer nöd mit Angst regiere
In a real crisis, you wouldn't rule with fear
Demoralisiäre, eus en Glaube wiä inäre Sekte propagiäre
Demoralizing, propagating a belief like in a sect
Mir sölleds eifach akzeptiäre, wiä d'Cookies uf äre Website
We should just accept it like cookies on a website
Kei Selbstbestimmig me, nur s'Volk verunsichere und id Knü zwinge
No self-determination, just making people feel insecure and forcing them to their knees
Durch diä kaufte Massemedie, di gröschte Verbrächer
By the bought mass media, the biggest criminals
Propaganda Journaliste sött mer jage wiä früehner d'Häxe
Propaganda journalists should be hunted down like witches used to be
Schwiz wach uf, mir händ gnueg
Switzerland, wake up, we've had enough
Vo dem Betrug, vo Diktatur
Of this fraud, of dictatorship
Schwiz wach uf, wach uf
Switzerland wake up, wake up
Gönd uf d'Strass und mached Druck
Take to the streets and put pressure
Schwiz stahn uf, mir händ gnueg
Switzerland, stand up, we've had enough
Nimm dini Rächt, vom Staat zrug
Take your rights back from the state
Schwiz stahn uf, stahn uf
Switzerland, stand up, stand up
Gönd uf d'Strass, und mached Druck
Take to the streets, and put pressure
D'Freiheitsrächt muemer sich ab jetz immer wider neu impfe lah
From now on, we have to get our freedom rights vaccinated again and again
BAG Hypochonder kündet mit euphori di nächsti Wälle ah
BAG hypochondriacs euphorically announce the next wave
D'Maske isch reini Unterdrückig und Gift für dis Gsicht
The mask is pure oppression and poison for your face
Es fucking NO GO für Chind, wer das unterstützt de spinnt
It's a fucking NO GO for children, anyone who supports that is crazy
D'Gripp isch verschwunde wiä dini Fründin bi Schulde
The flu has disappeared like your girlfriend when you're in debt
De Bundesrat kört in Knascht, läbenslänglich für schuldig befunde
The Federal Council goes to jail, life imprisonment for guilty
Im Name vo de Gsundheit müend eusi Vorfahre allei sterbe
In the name of health, our ancestors must all die
Polizei verteidigt d'Regierig geg s Volk bis is Verderbe
Police defend the government against the people to the death
D'Systemling händ ihres Hirn me gwäsche als d'Händ
The systemlings have had their brains washed more than their hands
Eusi Promis womer kännt sind zu feig und still obwohl d'Luft brännt
Our celebrities we know are too cowardly and silent even though the air is burning
De Druck stigt, kein Usglich, z'vil Suizid bi Junge
The pressure is rising, no compromise, too much suicide among the young
Kei News Bricht, alles z'Tod gschwigt, kei Statistik, verschwunde
No news report, everything hushed up, no statistics, disappeared
D'Gastro und Kultur ohni Verstand mit Absicht ad Wand
The gastronomy and culture senselessly and deliberately against the wall
Ohni wüsseschaftliche Hintergrund en riese Flächebrand, ciao Mittelstand
Without a scientific background, a huge wildfire, ciao middle class
Nur en Nazi wet eh diskrimierendi Zweiklassegsellschaft
Only a Nazi wants a discriminatory two-tier society
Fick dis Gehüchel zäme mit em Gift und em Impfpass
Fuck your hypocrisy along with the poison and the vaccination card
Schwiz wach uf, mir händ gnueg
Switzerland, wake up, we've had enough
Vo dem Betrug, vo Diktatur
Of this fraud, of dictatorship
Schwiz wach uf, wach uf
Switzerland wake up, wake up
Gönd uf d'Strass und mached Druck
Take to the streets and put pressure
Schwiz stahn uf, mir händ gnueg
Switzerland, stand up, we've had enough
Nimm dini Rächt, vom Staat zrug
Take your rights back from the state
Schwiz stahn uf, stahn uf
Switzerland, stand up, stand up
Gönd uf d'Strass, und mached Druck
Take to the streets, and put pressure
Gfange i däre Endlosschlaufe
Trapped in this endless loop
Nüm selber dänke, isch di neu Taufe
No longer thinking for yourself, is the new baptism
Widerstand wird zur Pflicht
Resistance becomes a duty
Wenn eh Diktatur usbricht
When a dictatorship breaks out
Ich han kei Angst vor em Läbe
I'm not afraid of life
Lah mir nöd verbüte was ich säge
Don't let them forbid me what I say
Überall Angstpsychose
Anxiety psychosis everywhere
Z'Tod gschützt isch au gstorbä
Protected to death is also dead
Schwiz stahn uf
Switzerland stand up
Schwiz wach uf
Switzerland, wake up
Schwiz stahn uf
Switzerland stand up
Schwiz stahn uf
Switzerland stand up
Schwiz wach uf, mir händ gnueg
Switzerland, wake up, we've had enough
Vo dem Betrug, vo Diktatur
Of this fraud, of dictatorship
Schwiz wach uf, wach uf
Switzerland wake up, wake up
Gönd uf d'Strass und mached Druck
Take to the streets and put pressure
Schwiz stahn uf, mir händ gnueg
Switzerland, stand up, we've had enough
Nimm dini Rächt, vom Staat zrug
Take your rights back from the state
Schwiz stahn uf, stahn uf
Switzerland, stand up, stand up
Gönd uf d'Strass, und mached Druck
Take to the streets, and put pressure
Z'Tod gschützt isch au gstorbä
Protected to death is also dead
Schwiz wach uf
Switzerland wake up
Schwiz wach uf
Switzerland, wake up
Schwiz stahn uf
Switzerland, stand up
Schwiz wach uf
Switzerland, wake up
Schwiz stahn uf
Switzerland, stand up
Schwiz wach uf
Switzerland wake up
Z'Tod gschützt isch au gstorbä
Protected to death is also dead
Z'Tod gschützt
Protected to death
Wach uf
Wake up

Writer(s): Marty Mckay

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