Massimo feat. Ivan Dečak - Nama Se Nikud Ne Žuri - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Massimo feat. Ivan Dečak - Nama Se Nikud Ne Žuri

Nama Se Nikud Ne Žuri
We're Not in a Hurry
Dame i gospodo, Ivan Dečak
Ladies and gentlemen, Ivan Dečak
Da čujem buke, Zagreb
Let me hear some noise, Zagreb
Sad ćete vidjeti kako će vas on razdrmati
Now you'll see how he's going to shake you up
Hvala Massimu koji mi je omogučio da večeras, po prvi puta
Thanks to Massimo who made it possible for me tonight, for the first time
Ne odem u Arena Centar, nego dođem baš ovdje u Arenu
Not to go to Arena Centar, but to come right here to the Arena
Hvala puno (hvala ti)
Thank you very much (thank you)
Ovaj tu ne uzima ranjenike, nema zarobljenih
This guy doesn't take any prisoners, no captives
Imate li snage, Zagreb, večeras?
Do you have the strength, Zagreb, tonight?
Nama se nikud ne žuri, ali plesali bi s vama večeras
We're not in a hurry, but we'd like to dance with you tonight
Da čujem buke
Let me hear some noise
Želim tvoj topli dah na svom obrazu do jutra
I want your warm breath on my cheek until morning
I pramen kose, kao štit od cijelog svijeta
And a strand of your hair, like a shield from the whole world
Želim tvoj ugriz, tvoju kornjaču od zuba
I want your bite, your turtle made of teeth
Svo tvoje ludilo, sav otrov tvoga smijeha
All your madness, all the poison of your laughter
Tko zna koliko je vremena
Who knows how much time
Još ispred nas
Is still ahead of us
Nama se nikud ne žuri
We're not in a hurry
Al' kao pijesak curi
But it's slipping away like sand
Tko zna koliko još vremena
Who knows how much more time
Sve ovo bezglavo juri
All this rushes headlong
Zadrži nas među prstima
Hold us between your fingers
Želim točan broj tvojih madeža na koži
I want the exact number of your moles on your skin
Čitavo sazviježđe samo za moje oči
A whole constellation just for my eyes
Želim probudit leptire duboko u tebi
I want to awaken the butterflies deep inside you
Predugo hodamo, a s tobom mi se leti
We've been walking for too long, but with you, I feel like flying
Tko zna koliko je vremena
Who knows how much time
Još ispred nas
Is still ahead of us
Nama se nikud ne žuri
We're not in a hurry
Al' kao pijesak curi
But it's slipping away like sand
Tko zna koliko još vremena
Who knows how much more time
Sve ovo bezglavo juri
All this rushes headlong
Zadrži nas među prstima
Hold us between your fingers
Tko zna koliko je vremena
Who knows how much time
Još ispred nas
Is still ahead of us
Nama se nikud ne žuri
We're not in a hurry
Al' kao pijesak curi
But it's slipping away like sand
Tko zna koliko još vremena
Who knows how much more time
Sve ovo bezglavo juri
All this rushes headlong
Zadrži nas među prstima
Hold us between your fingers
Nama se nikud ne žuri
We're not in a hurry
Da čujem buke još jednom večeras, Massimo
Let me hear some noise one more time tonight, Massimo
Thank you
Ivan je otišao, nisam ga ni zagrlio za kraj
Ivan left, I didn't even hug him goodbye
Ali dovoljno ja njega grlim i dovoljno ga volim
But I hug him enough and I love him enough
Dragi moji, hvala umjetniku Ivanu
My dears, thank you to the artist Ivan
Ljudi misle da mladi ljudi ne mogu nešto ozbiljno napisati
People think that young people can't write anything serious
Sjetimo se samo mladog Ivana Gorana Kovačića, Tennysona i mnogih
Let's just remember the young Ivan Goran Kovačić, Tennyson and many others
Puno je mladih ljudi, puno lijepih stvari napravljeno
Many young people, many beautiful things have been done
Za mladost
To youth

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