Matko Jelavić - La Vita E Bella - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Matko Jelavić - La Vita E Bella

La Vita E Bella
Life Is Beautiful
Ne plači mila, ne plači srce moje
Don't cry my dear, don't cry my love
Znam da je život dao premalo
I know life has given us too little
Nek se ožare lipe oči tvoje
Let your lovely eyes shine
Sve je dobro dok smo zajedno
Everything is good as long as we're together
Nedaj se mila, nedaj se srce moje
Don't give up, my dear, don't give up my love
Uspravna budi i bori se za nas
Stand tall and fight for us
Poslušaj kako divno kažu ljudi
Listen to what the wonderful people say
La vita e bella, al nestane za čas
Life is beautiful but disappears in an instant
A sad grli, ljubi me nježno
Now hug me, kiss me softly
I daj osmijeh svitu na dar
And give a smile to the world
Ti dani ča su nama ostali
These days that are left for us
Nek svitle, blistaju u ljubavi
May they shine, sparkle in love
Ustani mila, ustani srce moje
Get up my dear, get up my love
Parimo ka dva pokisla goluba
Let's dance like two drenched doves
Baš sve se može kad se srca slože
Anything is possible when hearts unite
Viruj mi viruj, sve ćemo ti i ja
Believe me, you and I will do it all
A sad grli, ljubi me nježno
Now hug me, kiss me softly
I daj osmijeh svitu na dar
And give a smile to the world
Ti dani ča su nama ostali
These days that are left for us
Nek svitle, blistaju u ljubavi
May they shine, sparkle in love
Ti dani ča su nama ostali
These days that are left for us
Nek prođu prođu svi u ljubavi
May they pass, all pass in love

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