Martin Matys feat. Boyband - Víno a cigarety (feat. BoyBand) - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Martin Matys feat. Boyband - Víno a cigarety (feat. BoyBand)

Víno a cigarety (feat. BoyBand)
Wine and Cigarettes (feat. BoyBand)
Ideme G-punk ja nepoznám tvoj žáner
We're G-punk, and I don't know your genre
Máš žížalu v slipách a kalkul je tvoj zámer
You have an earthworm in your briefs, and calculation is your goal
Ja neviem čo bude zajtra, neviem čo bolo dnes
I don't know what tomorrow will be, I don't know what was today
žijem jak hajtrák no nemením svoj dres
I live like a tramp, but I don't change my jersey
Nechaj si korporátny život stres pretlak
Keep your corporate life, stress, and overpressure
Ja som rád volný jak cicina v trenkách
I'm happy to be free, like a baby in its underpants
A len tak, hovorím len tak si lietať
And just like that, I say just like that, I want to fly
A spať kedy chceš a vstať kedy chceš
And sleep whenever you want and wake up whenever you want
A srať, srať sa na to brácho je mi jedno
And shit, shit on it, bro, I don't care
Horím pre rap ako hellboy tuším že mi jeblo
I'm burning for rap like Hellboy, I think I'm crazy
Som plný jak tvoje diktáty zo slovenčiny
I'm full like your dictations from the Slovak language
No keď som na majku tak diktujem jak Mussolini
But when I'm on the mic, I dictate like Mussolini
Ten punkáč vo mne furt jebe celý systém
The punk in me keeps beating the whole system
Jebe ten špatný svet a stavia vlastný z písmen
It beats the bad world and builds its own from letters
Pre vaše konvečné hodnoty vysmech
It has contempt for your conventional values
Otváram sa v beate keď zatváram sa v izbe
I open up in the beat when I close myself in the room
Na majku otvorím sa ako flaša vína (yeah)
On the mic, I open up like a bottle of wine (yeah)
To je to čo väčšine tých MC-s chýba (yeah)
That's what most of these MCs lack (yeah)
Na majku otvorím sa ako flaša vína (yeah)
On the mic, I open up like a bottle of wine (yeah)
To je to čo väčšine tých MC-s chýba (yeah)
That's what most of these MCs lack (yeah)
Říkej mi Cabernet Sauvignon
Call me Cabernet Sauvignon
Hráčí na uteku za pravdou a zmrdi za vinou
Players are running after the truth, and bastards after blame
Sme hajzlové s tou nekonečnou staminou
We're assholes with that endless stamina
Víno mi říka moc pravdy, ředim s vodou
Wine tells me too much truth, I dilute it with water
Ty to dotáhni sativou
You take it with sativa
Muj majk spirit
My mic has spirit
Proto za mnou ty davy dou
That's why those crowds follow me
Mám ready slova a ready flow
I have ready words and ready flow
Nemusím psát šestnástky dám te dolu osmičkou
I don't have to write those sixteenths, I'll take you down with an eighth
Pošlu do hajzlu tvojí crew jednou modlitbou
I'll send your crew to hell with one prayer
Ktorá väčšinou žačína tým že všichni MC-s sou
Which usually starts with the fact that all MCs are
Víš proč nikdy neskončíš? protože ani nezačala tvoje show
You know why you never finish? Because your show never even started
Yeah, na majku, na majku otvorím sa jak flaša vína
Yeah, on the mic, on the mic, I open up like a bottle of wine
No károm čo ma chcú vypiť nepodrobím sa
But I won't submit to the cars that want to drink me
Aspoň nejaká výhra, ja nejsom prázdny
At least some kind of win, I'm not empty
Chceš si vo mne zaplávať boy, utopíš sa (yeah)
You want to swim in me, boy, you'll drown (yeah)
Ja si len pískam, ty sa tak strašne chceš dostať do Europy 2
I just whistle, you really want to get on Europe 2
Zívam, volný ja freeman, nepijem Morgan
I yawn, free, I'm a freeman, I don't drink Morgan
Nad hlavou mi kvapká rýmsa
Rhyme drips above my head
Ja na majku otvorím sa ako fľaša vína
I open up on the mic like a bottle of wine
šľapem do tých schodov ja nečakím na výťah
I stomp on those stairs, I'm not waiting for the elevator anymore
Nekonečný príbeh nekonvečný prípad
Endless story, unconventional case
Keď to nejde jeb na to
When it doesn't work, fuck it
Pochopil som to a prestal som píchať (aah)
I understood it and stopped poking (aah)
Pre pár sekúnd srandy
For a few seconds of fun
Pár hodín hanby
A few hours of shame
Ssamota bez lampy, kurva
Loneliness without a lamp, damn
Načo mi handry
What do I need clothes for
Padne pár pív
A few beers fall
A nastanú kalby (aaa)
And there will be brawls (aaa)
život jak na lodi no moje zdravé ja práve skočilo z paluby
Life like on a ship, but my healthy self just jumped off the deck
Všetko je naruby daj pozor na nohy, strácam sa pod hladinou??
Everything is upside down, watch your feet, I'm disappearing under the surface??
Bol som v tých hlbinách, temno a chlad studený svet a nič viac
I was in those depths, darkness and cold, a cold world and nothing more
Kámo ver mi, nikdy bys tam nechcel ver mi
Buddy, believe me, you would never want to be there, believe me
Tak hlboko som nikdy nechcel ver mi
I never wanted to be so deep, believe me
Obhrýzané nechty odjebané perny
Biten nails, screwed up feathers
žalúdok pretočený a divný ľudia nervy
Stomach turned over, and those weird people, nerves
malá, malá morská piča
That little, that little sea bitch
Ma zrazu drží za ruku ťahá ma na breh vraví ver si (haa)
Suddenly holds my hand, pulls me to the shore, says believe in yourself (haa)
Bola tu vždy so mnou ja som jak čalado hľadal iné cesty
She was always here with me, I was like a moron looking for other ways
Aké iné cesty (ha) idem po svojej ceste
What other ways (ha) I'm going my own way
Kľudne nech jebne celý vesmír
Let the whole universe blow up, it's fine
Ja mám pravdu ja som žralok vy ste tresky
I'm right, I'm a shark, you're cod
Bejby milujem rap mám s ním pletky bejby
Baby, I love rap, I'm tangled with it, baby
Na majku otvorím sa ako flaša vína (hehe, yeah)
On the mic, I open up like a bottle of wine (hehe, yeah)
To je to čo väčšine tých MC-s chýba (yeah) (Matys, Idea, šš)
That's what most of these MCs lack (yeah) (Matys, Idea, šš)
Na majku otvorím sa ako flaša vína (yeah)
On the mic, I open up like a bottle of wine (yeah)
To je to čo väčšine tých MC-s chýba (aaa) (Matys, šš)
That's what most of these MCs lack (aaa) (Matys, šš)

Writer(s): Matys

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