Mavi - gözlerindeki ay - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Mavi - gözlerindeki ay

gözlerindeki ay
The Moon in Your Eyes
It shines
Gözlerindeki ay
The moon in your eyes
Kalbindeki yaralar
The wounds in your heart
Sen bi' düzen bi' bozansın
You're a constant disruption
Yansın ay, güneşten güzelsin
Let the moon reflect, you're more beautiful than the sun
Göğsündeki dar
The tightness in your chest
Gençliğindeki anılar
Memories of your youth
Sen fani bi' bedensin lakin gece aydan da güzelsin
You are a mortal being, but you are more beautiful than the moon at night
Sen de biliyorsun zaman hep aynı akmaz
You know too that time doesn't always flow the same
Görebiliyo'sun bunu büyüyünce yalnız
You can see it when you grow up alone
Aynadaki de hatalı düşününce daha çok
The reflection in the mirror is also flawed, more so when you think about it
Aynadakine diyo'sun "oluyo' mu böyle?
You say to your reflection, "Does it really happen like this?"
Senin sesinle karanlık rüyandan uyandım
I woke from my dark dream with your voice
Ve gerekirse seninle uyurum bi' anda
And if necessary, I'll sleep with you in an instant
Olmalısın, kızım, doğmalısın aynı anda benle
You must be, my girl, you must be born at the same time as me
Ağrıların sızı değil, ağrıların bandaj
Your pain isn't a sting, your pain is a bandage
Acım para yapıyo'sa biraz daha kal benle
If my pain makes money, stay with me a little longer
Gündüz unutuyo'san geceyi aklın ner'de?
Where is your mind if you forget the night during the day?
Aydan daha güzelsin, bunun bu denlisi yanlış
You are more beautiful than the moon, the balance of this is wrong
Kalbin parçaların her birinin var hızında artış
Every piece of your heart has an increase in its speed
Yaratılışın olmalı hikayeme rötuş
Your creation must be a touch-up to my story
İstiyorum sadece gölgelerinde yatış
I only want to rest in your shadows
Hastane sedyelerinden otuz kere kalktım
I've gotten up from hospital beds thirty times
Geceleri gözlerime
At night, in my eyes
It shines
Gözlerindeki ay
The moon in your eyes
Kalbindeki yaralar
The wounds in your heart
Sen bi' düzen bi' bozansın
You're a constant disruption
Yansın ay, güneşten güzelsin
Let the moon reflect, you're more beautiful than the sun
Göğsündeki dar
The tightness in your chest
Gençliğindeki anılar
Memories of your youth
Sen fani bi' bedensin lakin gece aydan da güzelsin
You are a mortal being, but you are more beautiful than the moon at night
Sa-kin ol
Calm down
Sa-hip olduklarınla gü-zel-sin-sin-sin
You are beautiful with what you have
Sensiz her yer siyah
Everywhere is black without you
Sessiz gece sessiz
Silent night is silent
Tahminlerim yanıl-sama (yanılsama)
My assumptions aren't wrong (illusion)
It shines
It shines
It shines
Gözlerindeki ay
The moon in your eyes
Kalbindeki yaralar
The wounds in your heart
Sen bi' düzen bi' bozansın
You're a constant disruption
Yansın ay, güneşten güzelsin
Let the moon reflect, you're more beautiful than the sun
Göğsündeki dar
The tightness in your chest
Gençliğindeki anılar
Memories of your youth
Sen fani bi' bedensin lakin gece aydan da güzelsin
You are a mortal being, but you are more beautiful than the moon at night

Writer(s): Mavi

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