Maya Berovic - Čime Me Drogiraš - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Maya Berovic - Čime Me Drogiraš

Čime Me Drogiraš
You Intoxicate Me
Ti, bas ti, samo ti
You, only you, just you
Sto ti ne znam ime
Though I don't even know your name
Ti, bas ti, samo ti
You, only you, just you
Nocas zagrli me
Embrace me tonight
Tebi prepustam sve
I surrender everything to you
Da budes tu ujutru
To be here in the morning
Kada probudim se
When I awaken
Da nestanes kao duh
To not vanish like a ghost
I da pojavis se
And to suddenly appear
Svako da i ne
Every yes and no
Sve na tebi sada je
Is up to you now
Cime me drogiras
You intoxicate me
Vjerujem ti slijepo
I trust you blindly
Cime me drogiras
You intoxicate me
Opet mi je lijepo
Once again it feels good
Istina, zabluda
Truth or illusion
Nista ne razumijem
I understand nothing
Znam samo da te volim
I only know that I love you
A htjela sam da umrem
And I wanted to die
A htjela sam da umrem
And I wanted to die
Ja sam tvoja droga
I am your drug
Ti ne mozes bez toga
You cannot live without it
Nisam to s tobom ja
I'm not like this with you
Veceras posla
Tonight it's different
Nisam to s tobom ja
I'm not like this with you
Ovdje dosla
Coming here
Ne lici na mene to
This is not like me
I sto bi me sutra
Why would you even call me
Ti uopste zvao
Zasto bi uopste
Why would you even
Laznu nadu dao
Give me false hope
Nekom ko ti se
To someone who
Tako lako predao
You gave yourself to so easily
Ja sam tvoja droga
I am your drug
Ti ne mozes bez toga
You cannot live without it

Writer(s): Marina Tucakovic, Damir Handanovic

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