Men At Work - Overkill (Live) - translation of the lyrics into Russian

Lyrics and translation Men At Work - Overkill (Live)

I can't get to sleep
I can't get to sleep
N consigo pegar no sono
Н могу заснуть
I think about the implication
I think about the implication
Eu penso nas insinuações
Я думаю, в инсинуации
Of diving in too deep
Of diving in too deep
Por mergulhar tão fundo
За нырять так глубоко,
And possibly the complications
And possibly the complications
E possivelmente as complicações
И, возможно, осложнения
Especially at night
Especially at night
Especialmente a noite
Особенно вечером
I worry over situations
I worry over situations
Eu me preocupo com situações
Я забочусь о ситуации
I know will be alright
I know will be alright
Que eu sei que se resolverão
Что я знаю, если разрешат
Perhaps it's just imagination
Perhaps it's just imagination
Talvez seja a minha imaginação
Может быть, это только мое воображение
Day after day it reappears
Day after day it reappears
Dia após dia reaparece
Изо дня в день появляется
Night after night my heartbeat
Night after night my heartbeat
Noite após noite a batida do meu coração
Ночь за ночью мое сердце билось
Shows the fear
Shows the fear
Demonstra o medo
Демонстрирует страх
Ghosts appear and fade awa
Ghosts appear and fade awa
Fantasmas aparecem e somem
Призраки появляются и исчезают
Alone between the sheets
Alone between the sheets
Sozinho entre os lençoes
В одиночку, среди lençoes
Only brings exasperation
Only brings exasperation
Somente traz irritações
Только приносит раздражение
It's time to walk the streets
It's time to walk the streets
É hora de caminhar pelas ruas
Пришло время ходить по улицам,
Smell the desperation
Smell the desperation
Sentir o cheiro do desespero
Чувствовать запах отчаяния
At least there's pretty lights
At least there's pretty lights
Pelo menos existem luzes bonitas
По крайней мере, есть красивые огни
And though there's little variatios
And though there's little variatios
E embora haja pouca variação
И хотя есть небольшие вариации
It nullifies the night
It отменяет the night
From overkill
From overkill
Ela livra a noite do exagero
Она освобождает ночь преувеличение
Day after day it reappears
Day after day it reappears
Night after night my heartbeat, shows the fear
Night after night my heartbeat, shows the fear
Ghosts appear and fade away
Ghosts appear and fade away
Come back another day
Come back another day
I can't get to sleep
I can't get to sleep
I think about the implications
I think about the implications
Of diving in too deep
Of diving in too deep
And possibly the complications
And possibly the complications
Especially at night
Especially at night
I worry over situations that
I worry over situations that
I know will be alright
I know will be alright
It's just overkill
It's just overkill
Day after day it reappears
Day after day it reappears
Night after night my heartbeat, shows the fear
Night after night my heartbeat, shows the fear
Ghosts appear and fade away
Ghosts appear and fade away
Ghosts appear and fade away
Ghosts appear and fade away
Ghosts appear and fade away
Ghosts appear and fade away
Dia após dia reaparece Noite após noite a batida do meu coração demonstra o medo Fantasmas aparecem e somem Volte outro dia Não consigo pegar no sono Eu penso nas insinuações Por mergulhar tão fundo E possivelmente as complicações Especialmente à noite Eu me preocupo com situações que Eu sei que se resolverão É somente exagero Dia após dia reaparece Noite após noite a batida do meu coração demonstra o medo Fantasmas aparecem e somem Fantasmas aparecem e somem Fantasmas aparecem e somem
Изо дня в день появляется Ночь за ночью мое сердце билось показывает страх Призраки появляются и исчезают Снова в другой день Не могу заснуть, Я думаю, в инсинуации По нырнуть так глубоко, И, возможно, осложнения, Особенно ночью Я беспокоюсь о ситуациях, которые Я знаю, если разрешат Это только преувеличение, изо дня в День появляется Ночь за ночью мое сердце билось показывает страх Призраки появляются и исчезают Призраки появляются и исчезают Призраки появляются и исчезают

Writer(s): Hay Colin James

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