Mi2 - Čista jeba - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Mi2 - Čista jeba

Čista jeba
Pure Fucking
Čista jeba
Pure Fucking
To je čista jeba
This is pure fucking
Ko si hkrati čisto blizu
When you are at the same time very close
Pa tak daleč od vsega
Yet so far from everything
Ko bi vedla
If you knew
Ko bi znala
If you knew
Tisto noč bi raje spala
That night I would rather have slept
Tiho zleknjena vsaksebi
Lying quietly to myself
Brez spoznanj o čisti jebi
Without the knowledge of pure fucking
A usoda je hotela
But fate has chosen
Da predolgo sta trpela
That they suffered for too long
Njega grozno je dajalo
It hurt him terribly
Ko je gledal sladko, zalo
When she looked sweet and sad
Ona pa je hod'la k maši
She went to mass
A pri maši mašnik straši
But at mass the priest says
Kdor v življenju vzdržen nebo
Whoever will not be continent in life
Si nakoplje čisto jebo
Will have pure fucking
Čista jeba
Pure Fucking
To je čista jeba
This is pure fucking
Ko si hkrati čisto blizu
When you are at the same time very close
Pa tak daleč od vsega
Yet so far from everything
Čista jeba
Pure Fucking
To je čista jeba
This is pure fucking
Ko si hkrati čisto blizu
When you are at the same time very close
Pa tak daleč od vsega
Yet so far from everything
Tak so jima tekla leta
Years passed like this for them
V nauku duha, sina, očeta
In the teaching of the spirit, the son, the father
Ni več dvoril, ni več upal
He no longer courted, no longer hoped
V žganju tiho je obupal
In brandy silently he despaired
Ko je končno le izbrala
When she finally chose
Pamet pred lažno moralo
Reason before false morality
Dedec je uvidel zgrožen
The old man saw with horror
Da ni v hlačah nič več prožen
That in his pants was nothing agile anymore
Spomni se, kaj d'jal je pater
Remember what the priest said
Pošlje vse v božjo mater
Send everything to the Mother of God
V jezi gre z róko nad sebe
In anger, he raises his hand over himself
Bil je konec čiste jebe
It was the end of pure fucking
Čista jeba
Pure Fucking
To je čista jeba
This is pure fucking
Ko si hkrati čisto blizu
When you are at the same time very close
Pa tak daleč od vsega
Yet so far from everything
Čista jeba
Pure Fucking
To je čista jeba
This is pure fucking
Ko si hkrati čisto blizu
When you are at the same time very close
Pa tak daleč od vsega
Yet so far from everything
Nauk te zgodbice nam pravi
The moral of this story teaches us
Da zaupaj svoji glavi
To trust our own head
Saj že brez modrosti z neba
For even without the wisdom from heaven
Je življenje čista jeba
Life is pure fucking
Čista jeba
Pure Fucking
To je čista jeba
This is pure fucking
Ko si hkrati čisto blizu
When you are at the same time very close
Pa tak daleč od vsega
Yet so far from everything
Čista jeba
Pure Fucking
To je čista jeba
This is pure fucking
Ko si hkrati čisto blizu
When you are at the same time very close
Pa tak daleč od vsega
Yet so far from everything

Writer(s): egon herman, robert novak

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