Mimiks feat. Dave - Scho sit Tag eis - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Mimiks feat. Dave - Scho sit Tag eis

Scho sit Tag eis
I Have Been King Since Day One
All di fucking Haters sie risset a mim Thron
All the fucking haters they tear at me from my throne
Aber sie chönd mich ned zrogghebe Baby es isch on (log mir gönd ganz ufe)
But they can't pull me down baby it's already (I swear we're going all the way up)
Und en andere könni ned
And I can't imagine any other
Gli weiss jede idem Land wer de König isch
Soon everyone will know who the king is
Yeahh (mir sind übertribe King)
Yeahh (we are the supreme king)
Und ihr Bitches risset bitte bitte witer ah mim Thron es macht ke Sinn
And you bitches keep tearing at my throne, it makes no sense
(Log sie schribeds uf min Grabstei ich bi de König scho sit Tag eis)
(I swear they'll write on my tombstone I've been the king since day one)
Yeaah, jong Mimi, King vode City
Yeaah, young Mimi, king of the city
Fraue chönd sich nüme hebe wie de Richi
Ladies can't raise themselves anymore like Richi did
16er König wie de Chregi
16th king like Chregi
Japanerinne stiged uf mich ufe segmer Rigi
Japanese ladies climb on me let's say Rigi
Und du holschders s neue FIFA
And you get the new FIFA
Nach dem Album chauf ich mir die ganzi FIFA
After the album I'll buy the whole FIFA
Gah det here rum de Seppi usem Weg
Come over here, Seppi, out of the way
Sege log du chline Hater nechsti Saison isch de Messi bi Lozärn
I swear little hater next season Messi will be in Lucerne
Log die Bosse ah, Bitch log die Bosse ah
Tell the bosses bitch, tell the bosses
Dini Chleider leg ich nidemal zum schlofe ah
I don't even take off your clothes to sleep
Log die Bosse ah, Bitch log die Bosse ah
Tell the bosses bitch, tell the bosses
Mini City 041 i dini Bire Boy
My city 041 in your beer boy
Wer god eh no gold
Who's still going gold?
Wer het de Kollegah gholt
Who got Kollegah?
Wer het üch es neus fucking Level für die Szene gholt
Who brought you a whole new fucking level for the scene
Und sie schlücke mine Staub ufm Bode
And they swallow my dust on the ground
Baby wer wott mich no hole ufem Weg nach obe?
Baby who wants to come get me on the way to the top?
Vomne Nüt zum Idol, de einzigi Weg isch de Weg zumne Thron
From nothing to idol, the only way is the way to a throne
Vomne Nüt zum Idol, min einzige Weg isch de Weg zumne Thron
From nothing to idol, my only way is the way to a throne
Lug ich ha alles übernoh idem Biness
Look I took over everything in this business
Jetze wimmlet z Dorf vo chline Mimis
Now the village is teeming with little Mimis
Fuck sie wend so flowe wie'n ich
Fuck they want to flex like me
Sie wend so rhyme wie'n ich
They want to rhyme like me
Plus sie wend so doubletime wie'n ich
Plus they want to doubletime like me
Plus wend mi Hype ha doch lug ich figg all die Biter
Plus they want my hype but look I fuck all these biters
Ich bin viel zu neu für die Welt
I'm way too new for this world
Ich ha scho engi Hose treit wode Casper no usgeh het wienes Zelt
I was already wearing skinny jeans when Casper used to party like it was a tent
Und sie gsehnd de Miksi dur die Mengi steppe
And they see Miksi stomping through the crowd
Gang zum Lil Wayne und seg em bis du froh das ich ned englisch rappe
Go to Lil Wayne and tell him to be glad I don't rap in English
Vor paar jahr het das no kene verstande
A few years ago nobody could understand this
Doch sit "Jong und Hässig" isch das fucking Level da andersch
But since "Young and Hated" this fucking level has been different
Miksi chunt Brudi log ich figg das Business im Ganze
Miksi comes boy I swear I fuck this whole business
Ich gad dur d Höll und wieder zrugg ohni irgend e Schramme
I'll go through hell and back without getting any scars

Writer(s): Alexander Schoch, Angel Egli, David Largier

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