Ministarke - Duni Vetre - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Ministarke - Duni Vetre

Duni Vetre
Blowing Wind
Znaj, spremna bila sam da kažem kriva sam
Listen, I was ready to admit that I was wrong
I kad me zgaziš kao komad papira
And when you crushed me like a piece of paper
Nisam se štedela, malo ti vredela
I didn't spare myself, I was worth very little to you
Jer sam te ludo volela
Because I loved you madly
Duni, duni vetre najjače što znaš
Blow, blow wind, as hard as you can
Nosi ovu tugu ako Boga znaš
Take away this sorrow if you believe in God
Padni, padni kišo da se ne vide
Fall, fall rain, so they don't see
Suze kad pokvase moje obraze
The tears when they wet my face
Sve sam ti puštala a nisam slušala
I let you do anything and I didn't listen
Sve dobre ljude kad mi kažu o tebi
To all the good people when they told me about you
Da si za mene loš, da druge ljubiš još
That you're bad for me, that you still love others
Da si me sto put izdao
That you've betrayed me a hundred times
Duni, duni vetre najjače što znaš
Blow, blow wind, as hard as you can
Nosi ovu tugu ako Boga znaš
Take away this sorrow if you believe in God
Padni, padni kišo da se ne vide
Fall, fall rain, so they don't see
Suze kad pokvase moje obraze
The tears when they wet my face
Ministarke, dokle bre?
Ministarke, for how much longer?
Vi stvarno niste normalne
You really aren't normal
Samo nove dadžbine
Only new taxes
A vi biste da pevate?
And you would sing?
Ministarke, dokle bre?
Ministarke, for how much longer?
Kada upalim TV
When I turn on the TV
Rastu, rastu kamate
Interest rates are rising, rising
A posebno taj PDV
And especially that VAT
I ajmo svi, svi, doktori
Come on everyone, all, doctors
Profesori, studenti
Professors, students
Besposleni, biznismeni
The unemployed, businessmen
Nepismeni, pismeni
The illiterate, the literate
I ajmo svi, sad na tri
Come on everyone, now on three
Ova žurka, to smo mi
This party, it's us
Brige sve nek odlete
Let all worries fly away
Samo duni, duni vetre
Just blow, blow wind
Duni, duni vetre najjače što znaš
Blow, blow wind, as hard as you can
Nosi ovu tugu ako Boga znaš
Take away this sorrow if you believe in God
Padni, padni kišo da se ne vide
Fall, fall rain, so they don't see
Suze kad pokvase moje obraze
The tears when they wet my face
Duni, duni vetre najjače što znaš
Blow, blow wind, as hard as you can
Nosi ovu tugu ako Boga znaš
Take away this sorrow if you believe in God
Padni, padni kišo da se ne vide
Fall, fall rain, so they don't see
Suze kad pokvase moje obraze
The tears when they wet my face

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