Ministarke - Gram Emocija - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Ministarke - Gram Emocija

Gram Emocija
Emotional wreck
Kad kazem sve znam,
When I say I know it all,
Ti samo slegnes ramenima
You just shrug your shoulders
Kad niko to ne bi,
When no one else would,
Kroz prste progledam tebi,
I turn a blind eye for you,
Jos placam za to,
I'm still paying for it,
Ko trsku ti si me lomio,
You broke me like a stick,
Sve godine truda,
All those years of effort,
Otisle su ne znam kuda
They're gone, I don't know where
Znala sam za sve tvoje lutke,
I knew about all your dolls,
Bila ziva samo na trenutke,
I only came alive for a moment,
Islo ti je to bas od ruke,
You were so good at it,
Da me u pojam ubijes
That you could kill me with a concept
Daj ustedi mi dva minuta,
Spare me two minutes,
Okreni se i nestani,
Turn around and disappear,
Sve smo ovo prosli bezbroj puta,
We've been through all this countless times,
Jer pukli smo ja i ti,
Because we're broken, you and I,
Ni gram emocija vise nemam,
I don't have an ounce of emotion left,
Ruke podigla sam ja u vis,
I've raised my hands in surrender,
Minut do dvanaest je da se predam,
It's five minutes to midnight for me to give up,
Jer ovo nije ljubav,
Because this isn't love,
Ovo los je kompromis
This is a bad compromise
Na srcu tvoj trag,
Your mark on my heart,
To moga bola je otisak,
That's the imprint of my pain,
A mogla sam znati,
And I should have known,
Uz tebe maler me prati
That misfortune haunts me with you
Voli me, jos ovaj put
Love me, just this one last time
Vrati onaj stari sjaj
Bring back that old shine
Voli me, jos ovaj put
Love me, just this one last time
I bice dovoljno za kraj
And that will be enough to end it

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