Mircea Vintilă - Madama De Pica - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Mircea Vintilă - Madama De Pica

Madama De Pica
The Queen of Spades
Sedeam in camera mea
I was sitting in my room
Era deschisa fereastra
The window was open
Singur jucam o canasta
I was playing cards alone
Si cartile tocmai dadeam
And the cards were just dealt
Cand mi-a alunecat
When one slipped
Pe masa nervoasa o carte
A nervous card onto the table
Pe ea avea semnul de moarte
It had the sign of death
Dar parca viata prindea
But it showed life.
R: Cu ochii facea noapte
R: With her eyes, she makes nights
Cu mijlocul vrea fapte
With her body, she wants actions
Dar inima mea ma avertiza
But my heart warns me
E dama de pica, frumoasa de pica
She is the Queen of Spades, beautiful Queen of Spades
Dorita in ultimul hal
Desired to the last
In lumea ta mica, de vrea, ea ridica
In your little world, if she wants to, she raises
Un val, o da
A wave, she gives it
Catastrofal, da, da
Catastrophic, yes, yes
Intravenal, da, da, da
Intravenously, yes, yes, yes
Mi-am zis ca fie ce-o fi
I said be what may be
Patima ei sa m-atinga
Let her passion touch me
In mana avea o seringa
She had a syringe in her hand
Si propunea fantezii
And offered fantasies
Iar din tavan cobora
And from the ceiling descended
Pe masa, duioasa, o carte
Onto the table, tenderly, a card
O dama din jocul de moarte
A queen from the game of death
Ce parca viata prindea.
Who seemed alive.

Writer(s): Horia Stoicanu

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