Miro Žbirka feat. Martha - Co boli to preboli - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Miro Žbirka feat. Martha - Co boli to preboli

Co boli to preboli
What Hurts Will Heal
Čo bolí, to prebolí
What hurts, will heal
to skrýva tvár
It's already hiding its face
Dvaja blázni na mori
Two fools at sea
Niekto nám veslo vzal
Someone took our oar
Čln sa láme napoly
The boat breaks in half
Keď topíš sa, vieš
When you're drowning, you know
Čo bolí, to prebolí
What hurts, will heal
A odpláva preč
And it will sail away
Tie tajomstvá pod hladinou
Those secrets under the surface
Chcem v tebe nájsť, ale s inou
I want to find in you, but with someone else
Co bolí, to přebolí
What hurts, will heal
Nepředbíhej čas
Don't rush time
Co necháme v tom moři
What we leave in that sea
Jednou zkrásní v nás
One day will become beautiful in us
Z trosek víc člun nestvoříš
You can't make more boats from the wreckage
Z moře stoupá dým
Smoke rises from the sea
Co bolí, to přebolí
What hurts, will heal
Možná víš, co s tím
Maybe you know what to do with it
To tajemství pod hladinou
The secret under the surface
Hledáš dál někde s jinou
You're already looking for it somewhere with someone else
Smutek šel sám se smíchem spát
Sadness went to bed with laughter
A z člunu víc nejde brát
And you can't take any more from the boat
Co bolí, to přebolí
What hurts, will heal
Co neznáš, znáš
What you don't know, you will know
Přijdeš k poušti po moři
You will come to the desert after the sea
Tam čekám zas
I will be waiting for you there again
Nezhasínej, co hoří
Don't extinguish what's burning
hoří to dál
Let it burn forever
Co bolí, to přebolí
What hurts, will heal
Proč bys sám to vzdal?
Why would you give up on it yourself?
Tie tajomstvá pod hladinou
Those secrets under the surface
Hledáš rád někde s jinou
You're already looking for it somewhere with someone else
Někde s jinou
Somewhere with someone else

Writer(s): Miroslav Zbirka, Kamil Peteraj

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