Miss Mary - O Lume Doar A Mea - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Miss Mary - O Lume Doar A Mea

O Lume Doar A Mea
My Own World
Am vrut sa te chem
I wanted to call you
Dar nu ne mai stim
But we don't know each other anymore
Nu ne mai zambim deloc
We don't smile at each other at all
De toate fugim
We run away from everything
Si nu ne oprim
And we don't stop
Fara sa vrem nu mai vorbim
Without wanting to, we no longer speak
Nu ne mai privim in ochi
We no longer look each other in the eyes
Nu mai stim nici sa simtim
We don't know how to feel anymore
Lumea nu e cum era
The world is not as it used to be
Lumea nu e cum era
The world is not as it used to be
(Sa ne schimbam depinde doar de noi)
(It depends only on us to change)
Am uitat ce-i dragostea
I have forgotten what love is
(Ca ne e greu sa impartim la doi)
(Because it is difficult for us to share in two)
Numai eu mai pot visa
Only I can still dream
(Ca nimeni nu-mi ia visele inapoi)
(Because no one can take my dreams back)
Vreau o lume doar a mea
I want a world that is mine alone
Am vrut sa te mint
I wanted to lie to you
Ca inca mai simt
That I still feel
Dar nu mai am motive sa cred
But I no longer have any reason to believe
Ca vom reusi sa ramanem la fel
That we will be able to stay the same
Si poate intr-o zi
And maybe one day
Ne vom intalni
We will meet again
Si vom pluti pana aproape de cer
And we will float up to the sky
Dar pana atunci eu nu mai sper
But until then, I no longer hope
Lumea nu e cum era
The world is not as it used to be
Lumea nu e cum era
The world is not as it used to be
(Sa ne schimbam depinde doar de noi)
(It depends only on us to change)
Am uitat ce-i dragostea
I have forgotten what love is
(Ca ne e greu sa impartim la doi)
(Because it is difficult for us to share in two)
Numai eu mai pot visa
Only I can still dream
(Ca nimeni nu-mi ia visele inapoi)
(Because no one can take my dreams back)
Vreau o lume doar a mea
I want a world that is mine alone
Lumea nu e cum era
The world is not as it used to be
(Sa ne schimbam depinde doar de noi)
(It depends only on us to change)
Am uitat ce-i dragostea
I have forgotten what love is
(Ca ne e greu sa impartim la doi)
(Because it is difficult for us to share in two)
Numai eu mai pot visa
Only I can still dream
La o lume doar a mea
Of a world that is mine alone
Lumea nu e cum era
The world is not as it used to be
Am uitat ce-i dragostea...
I have forgotten what love is...
Da, da, da, da
Yes, yes, yes, yes

Writer(s): filip aurel

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