Modus - Pozhasínané - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Modus - Pozhasínané

Burning Out
Pozhasínané v izbách a v nás
Burning in rooms and in us
Pozhasínané bijú dvanásť
Burning out, it's twelve o'clock
Rátaj koľko stál ten risk
Count how much that risk was worth
Strácaš územie lásky
You're losing love's territory
Smútok bude mať čierny zisk
Sorrow will have a dark profit
Nocou kráčam sám
I walk alone through the night
Pozhasínané od vás k nám
Burning out from you to us
Pozhasínané ty hráš ja hrám
Burning out, you play, I play
Cesty domov vždy verné
The roads home are always faithful
Môžeš ísť ja sa vrátim
You can go, I'll come back
Svetlá aut a brány čierne
Car lights and black gates
Nocou kráčam sám
I walk alone through the night
Pozhasínané kde spíš skrytá
Burning out, where do you hide
Pozhasínané svitá svitá
Burning out, it's dawning, it's dawning
Smútok bol vždy trocha múdry blázon
Sorrow was always a bit of a crazy fool
Práve môj film si kúpil
He just bought my movie
Smútok môj dávny návštevník
Sorrow, my old visitor
do rána bdie, bdie bdie ye ye bdie
He stays awake until morning, stays awake ye ye stays awake
Pozhasínané v izbách a v nás
Burning in rooms and in us
Pozhasínané bijú dvanásť
Burning out, it's twelve o'clock
Rátaj koľko stál ten risk
Count how much that risk was worth
Strácaš územie lásky
You're losing love's territory
Smútok bude mať čierny zisk
Sorrow will have a dark profit
Nocou kráčam sám
I walk alone through the night
Pozhasínané od vás k nám, k nám
Burning out from you to us, to us

Writer(s): Ján Lehotský

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