Moha the B - Desmantelaos - translation of the lyrics into English

Desmantelaos - Moha the Btranslation in English

Si te apuntan con una pistola, saca la tuya toca resolver
If a gun is pointed at you, get yours out it's time to solve
Él dice que tiene balas, pero con un palo se puso a correr
He says he has bullets, but with a stick he started to run
Tu drill es made in china, todo es falso nada que ver
Your drill is made in china, everything is fake nothing to see
Como perra que siempre ladra, sin bozal nunca va a morder
Like a bitch that always barks, without a muzzle she'll never bite
Negros como tu hay mil
Niggas like you there's a thousand
Black monkey, black reptil
Black monkey, black reptile
Aparenta ser muy duro, ni se te levanta el miembro viril
It seems to be very hard, nor does your virile member get up
Si te pillo en Barcelona, no me va a frenar ni la Guardia Civil
If I catch you in Barcelona, even the Civil Guard won't stop me
Te lo juro por mi vida, si algún día te veo, te voy a partir
I swear on my life, if I ever see you, I'll break you
Los gatitos solo maúllan, cuando los leones duermen
The kittens only meow, when the lions are sleeping
Black monkey, hasta aquí llegó tu fucking entertainment
Black monkey, this is how far your fucking entertainment has come
Botellazo en toda la crisma, mandé al suelo hasta al campeón
Bottle in all the crisma, I sent even the champion to the ground
Sino pregunta Marco Luffo, lo que paso en el callejón
But Marco Luffo asks, what happened in the alley
Y si, si, si, si, si, mi madre es la más dura de toda la pelu
And yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, my mother is the toughest in the whole pelu
La tuya te abandonó por un blanco llamado Edu
Yours left you for a white guy named Edu
Tu padre es de esos negros que en la rambla te vende Reebook
Your father is one of those niggas that sells you Reebook on La Rambla
Si te pillo te dejo secuelas, ya ni te digo si te pilla mi tribu
If I catch you I leave you sequels, I don't even tell you anymore if my tribe catches you
Y dices que me escriben mis partes, si de no paras de copiarte
And you say they write my parts, if you don't stop copying from me
Tu estilo es mío, aparte del mío, es el que siempre lo parte
Your style is mine, apart from mine, it's the one that always part
Jodido yoncaco yo puedo educarte y luego yo puedo enseñarte
Fucking asshole I can educate you and then I can teach you
Pero si sigues con el rollo, bajo de visita y no pa' saludarte
But if you keep on with the roll, I'll come down for a visit and not to say hello
Yooow Boyyy quebrando!
Yooow Boyyy going broke!
Para y cambia el beat, my nigga
Stop and change the beat, my nigga
Este negro no aprende
This nigga don't learn
Dame otro beat que voy a enseñarle
Give me another beat that I'm going to show him
Oye rata respeta a tu padre antes coger y llamarlo snitch
Hey rat respect your dad before you fuck and call him a snitch
Eres un gánster de pacotilla, porque corriste como una bitch
You're a shitty gangster, 'cause you ran like a bitch
Paloma te saco las plumas, si apreto el gatillo con este clic
Dove I pull out your feathers, if I pull the trigger with this click
Como tu hermano vas a morir joven, die young nigga flow "Roddy Rich"
Like your brother you're gonna die young, die young nigga flow "Roddy Rich"
El negro que pidió perdón, ahora creo pide knock-out
The black man who asked for forgiveness, now I think asks for knock-out
Lo que hacemos en la calle, lo vivimos, pero a lo callao
What we do on the street, we live it, but in the callao
Tu hablas de 8 homicidios y solo con eso ya tas choteao
You talk about 8 homicides and only with that you already tas choteao
Puedes mentir pero con calma, pero yo creo que te la has flipao'
You can lie but calmly, but I think you've lost it'
Que tu vives del gobierno, porque eres un huérfano
That you live off the government, because you're an orphan
2 pinchazos en el tórax, que te reformo todo él órgano
2 punctures in the chest, that I reform you all the organ
Esto es la calle, esto no es un ring, pero siempre gano como el Nganou
This is the street, this is not a ring, but I always win like the Nganou
Quien cojones es el cubano, tráelo, a ver si me desmayó
Who the fuck is the Cuban, bring him, let's see if he fainted me
Embustero no he estao' en Alzina, estaba metido en Cuatro Caminos
Liar I haven't been in Alzina, I was in Four Ways
Es verdad que he estado dentro, en la celda con un asesino
It's true that I've been inside, in the cell with a murderer
Cosas que quieres ser, pero no has matao ni un pepino
Things you want to be, but you haven't killed a cucumber
Cada lunes estoy firmando, por 4 condenas sigo retenido
Every Monday I'm signing, for 4 convictions I'm still being held
Veo a mis opps todos unidos, uno por uno yo los fumigo
I see my opps all united, one by one I smoke them
Ahora que me quedo flipando, cuando veo un colega como enemigo
Now I really freak out, when I see a colleague as an enemy
Sobre todo, cuando mal hablabas de los que ahora son tus amigos
Especially when you were talking badly about those who are now your friends
1 a 1 y tan follao, no vayas diciendo que hemos corrido
1 to 1 and so fuck, don't go saying that we have run
Voy a enseñar a hablar en español al negro de la 23
I'm going to teach the negro on the 23rd to speak Spanish
La 9 le peta el culo, pero solo por interés
9 Gets her ass fucked, but just out of interest
Te pegaron una galleta, tan humillao por el Internet
They hit you a cookie, so humiliao by the Internet
22 no habla mucho, solo revuelve, eso ya lo ves
22 he doesn't talk much, he just stirs, you see that
En problemas sales corriendo, como "Tay K" you did the race
In trouble you run out, like "Tay K" you did the race
El Epii te dio la info, porque tus barras son todos fake
The Epii gave you the info, because your bars are all fake
Su hija me llama papá, porque creo que el negro es gay
His daughter calls me daddy, because I think the black guy is gay
Me follé a su baby mama, somos familia, por eso hay hate
I fucked her baby mama, we are family, that's why there is hate...
Quien coño es el puto negro que todos conocen como "Little Pibi"
Who the fuck is the fucking black guy everyone knows as "Little Pibi"
El negro se cree que es domi, pero es un jodido maricón
The nigga thinks he's domi, but he's a fucking faggot
Como siga diciendo que es blood
As long as I keep saying it's blood
Le pongo correr con los fucking crippis
I put him running with the fucking crippis
Si algún día te volveré a ver, en tu ataúd yo me hare pipi
If I ever see you again, I'll pee in your coffin
Si te apuntan con una pistola, saca la tuya toca resolver
If a gun is pointed at you, get yours out it's time to solve
Él dice que tiene balas, pero con un palo se puso a correr
He says he has bullets, but with a stick he started to run
Tu drill es made in china, todo es falso nada que ver
Your drill is made in china, everything is fake nothing to see
Como perra que siempre ladra, sin bozal nunca va a morder
Like a bitch that always barks, without a muzzle she'll never bite

Writer(s): Tarik Hemici, Bakar Mohamed Mbengue

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