Momo - Limit - translation of the lyrics into English

Lyrics and translation Momo - Limit

Poviem desať slov skôr jak kopneš kickflip
I'll say ten words before you land a kickflip
Zabijem sa keby som musel jak ty shit byť
I'd kill myself if I had to be shit like you
Nič byť, počúvaj ma, sa a líž riť
Be nothing, listen to me, learn and kiss ass
Keď ťa počujem tak vidím, že víš nič (whoop)
When I hear you, I see you know nothing (whoop)
Každý nový album tvoj sme vypli
We turned off every new album of yours
Každý pojebaný track sme skipli
We skipped every fucking track
Kripli, si zvykli byť rýchly (ha)
Cripples, you used to be fast (ha)
Ľutujeme, že sme na teba na YouTube klikli
We regret clicking on you on YouTube
Keď začnem nebude to 50 - 50
When I start, it won't be 50 - 50
Ukáže sa kto skill, hubou riť mi vytri
It will be shown who has skills, wipe my ass with your mouth
Iba vydrilovaný rapper striktné rytmy
Only a hard-working rapper has strict rhythms
Vytrénovaný posiela beatmi britvy (bezcitný)
Trained one sends razors with beats (ruthless)
Dobre pamätaj si meno Momo
Remember the name Momo well
Maximalizovaný minimal čávo s mikrofónom
Maximized minimal dude with a microphone
Keď to začne ideš domov, húliť fono, honiť lono
When it starts, you go home, smoke your phone, chase your womb
Svietiš na červeno ako v databáze s Unionom
You shine red like in a database with Union
Robím sám nepýtam rady od nikoho
I do it myself, I don't ask for advice from anyone
To čo bolo bolo bolo točí sa čertove kolo
What was, was, was, the devil's wheel is spinning
Teraz nič, robím text s mojou hlavou chorou
Now nothing, I'm writing a text with my sick head
Plný vzdorov, štýlom toreádorov, ničím rapových Zorov
Full of defiance, in the style of bullfighters, destroying rap Zorros
Ľutujem tých prejebaných imobilných dát
I pity those fucked up immobile data
Iba ten kto na to má, to dá, schová lídra
Only the one who has it, will give it, hide the leader
Môžem povedať, že neni čoho sa tu báť
I can say that there is nothing to be afraid of here
Neni to žiadna veda, len beda, to že si len ringla (rrra)
It's not rocket science, just misery, that you're just a stove (rrra)
(Hahahahaha, woohooou)
(Hahahahaha, woohooou)
Samý odpad - je tvoj limit
Pure waste - is your limit
Nové méty na hrad je môj limit
New goals to the castle is my limit
Chabý potrat - je tvoj limit
Misery abortion - is your limit
Si len potkan a ja top lyrik
You're just a rat and I'm the top lyricist
Samý odpad - je tvoj limit
Pure waste - is your limit
Nové méty na hrad je môj limit
New goals to the castle is my limit
Chabý potrat - je tvoj limit
Misery abortion - is your limit
Si len potkan a ja top lyrik
You're just a rat and I'm the top lyricist
Showbiznis spája jedna biela čára
Show business is connected by one white line
Prečítaš to na každom čele čáva
You read it on every dude's forehead
Nikto si nevšíma to už, že len tára (Čo?)
Nobody notices that he's just babbling (What?)
Šeci pachtiví jak kurvy z Celentana
All greedy like whores from Celentano
Prípad pre lekára, lieky pre mentála
A case for a doctor, medication for a mental patient
Keď to vidím tak mi z toho jebne hlava
When I see it, my head goes crazy
Mňa nezaujímajú celebrity rozhovory
I'm not interested in celebrity interviews
Keď nevedia ani kto som - jebem LVL Lama
When they don't even know who I am - fuck LVL Lama
Na hudobnej scéne vládne pohotový stav
There's a state of emergency on the music scene
Každý chce robiť len biznis a byť novodobý král
Everyone just wants to do business and be the modern king
Niekto ale všetky dvere v noci poodomykal
But someone unlocked all the doors at night
U teba v dome v rohu stojí hororový klaun
There's a horror clown standing in the corner of your house
A nahackoval tvoj iCloud
And hacked your iCloud
Dozvedia sa šeci, že si len bájkar
Everyone will find out that you're just a liar
Lifestyle zahoď ukáž sa a maj tvár
Throw away your lifestyle, show yourself and have a face
Klakni, rozopni mi zips a saj kár
Kneel, unzip my zipper and suck the dick
Chceš rap? Zapni mi majk a daj sound
You want rap? Turn on my mic and give me sound
Že si kamoš viem keby si mi like dal
I know you're a friend if you liked me
Ha-ha, no kým ty si sa zajakal
Ha-ha, well, while you were stuttering
Písal som texty roky sa s tým hrajkal
I've been writing lyrics for years, playing with it
Chceš byť nová škola ale si starý kár
You want to be a new school but you're an old dick
Hajtrák, aj tak ťa utrel Samey a Saul
Trash, Samey and Saul wiped you anyway
Mojich klipov si sa vraj bál
You were supposedly afraid of my videos
Znovu je to tu, pekne sa maj a maj stav
Here it is again, have a good time and have a condition
Samý odpad - je tvoj limit (whoop)
Pure waste - is your limit (whoop)
Nové méty na hrad je môj limit (yea)
New goals to the castle is my limit (yea)
Chabý potrat - je tvoj limit
Misery abortion - is your limit
Si len potkan a ja top lyrik (hahahaha)
You're just a rat and I'm the top lyricist (hahahaha)
Samý odpad - je tvoj limit (whoop)
Pure waste - is your limit (whoop)
Nové méty na hrad je môj limit
New goals to the castle is my limit
Chabý potrat - je tvoj limit (yea)
Misery abortion - is your limit (yea)
Si len potkan a ja top lyrik (Momo)
You're just a rat and I'm the top lyricist (Momo)

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